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  1. S

    Hello, sorry for not repling to everyones messages, i have been contimplating making any comment...

    Hello, sorry for not repling to everyones messages, i have been contimplating making any comment about my lack of communication, i know i haven/t been on the site long but i am struggling at the moment and will not be active for a while. It was not my intention to ignor people, I home you can...
  2. S


    this sounds intresting, i will give it a try but i do not relly want to do the wax as i currently dont have any that has a low melting point
  3. S


  4. S


    I am a 24 yo female, I am currently single and living in an apartment i share with flatmates, I was wondering if anyone would have any ideas for self punishment that I could use, i feel as if i need an attitude adjustment as I have been very lazy recently, the main materials i do have that could...