bare bottom beating

  1. jesseelizabeth

    Sjambok Whipping

    If you read of my experiences, you know that I refer to any corporal punishment as a "spanking" regardless of it's with a hand over the knee, or a paddle while I'm grabbing my ankles or being whipped across the room with a long extension cord. I just think that calling it a "spanking" sounds...
  2. S

    My punishment-a day full of punishments

    As part of my punishment i was told to post it and see if i got what i deserved and if anyone would have done anything different? Here’s my full day of punishment so me and my daddydom were doing clothes and I kept dropping them on the floor I dropped 15 pieces of clothes so before we left the...
  3. S

    My punishment-a day full of punishments

    As part of my punishment i was told to post it and see if i got what i deserved and if anyone would have done anything different? Here’s my full day of punishment so me and my daddydom were doing clothes and I kept dropping them on the floor I dropped 15 pieces of clothes so before we left the...
  4. jesseelizabeth

    Monday is Maintenance "spanking" day

    Hello to all! Well, here it is Monday again. The day that each week, I receive my maintenance "spanking" for the week. I call them "spankings" because it sounds cuter and more feminine. Indeed they are exactly the same as the beatings I get for punishment. Absolutely no different at all. Today...