Advice needed re subspace and Abrupt endings


Kinky Newbie
  • Straight
  • Male
  • Submissive
Jul 31, 2024
I have been seeing a professional mistress for some time and last week did an intense 3-4 hour humiliation session. All well negotiated and consented before hand via email / chat and also before play.
We had decided as it was the first time for them using a new electrical machine we would break scene shortly when it came to that and re enter after. However after ending scene briefly to focus on that we find 45 minutes later we lost track of time and didn’t go back into scene.

Unfortunately almost immediately after I ended up with a very sudden severe drop to a point I was an emotional wreck on the floor and very cold.
We have been thankfully chatting and he last couple of days via messages back and forth which is good and aftercare on the day was good.
But now I’ve got nervous feelings about entering a dungeon again and with the added issue of bringing up some deep issues with my life from years ago.

I’m starting to see a therapist this week however it has been suggested to get a brief very casual time in the dunegeon again and quickly so you won’t end on a bad note.

I’m just wandering also about ended scenes abrubptly with no closing. Is this good in the long run with this drop I am having on is it beneficial to have some sort of casual session quickly so we can leave the dungeon on a high note and not leaving it too long whilst dealing with the other deeper issue which came up.

This deeper issue is quite bad but don’t want to bring it out


Kink Talk Prodigy
  • Bisexual
  • Female
  • Submissive
Apr 15, 2011
I'm not sure what the right answer to this is, it's probably dependent on each individual person and their unique history... Personally I wouldn't want to get involved in any further play until I'd spoken a few times to the therapist, but then for some others it might be good to take control for themselves and go to enjoy something with them that you have a previous fond memory of?

As a professional, your Mistress is likely to understand needing some time away and possibly has experience of something similar with other clients. If you WANTED to see her again, you could do so on the proviso that it was a clothes-on conversation and if it develops into a play session from there, at least it's up to you - as long as you're paying for the session, she should do or not do whatever you're comfortable with?

Either way, I'm keeping everything crossed for you that your therapist can help and that you can get back to enjoying what you enjoy x

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