Almost turned fantasy scenario into reality by mistake


Kink Talk Member
  • Bisexual
  • Male
  • Submissive
Aug 26, 2024
I once concocted a fantasy scenario where I ( accidently) e mail some one I know some lurid pics along with a lot of damning banter about my sph fetish . The fantasy plan was to send it off to my targeted individuals email but immediately send a follow up e mail warning not to open it "because it was totally meant for someone I am corresponding with who asked me to post the content. I pressed a wrong key and it went to you instead of them. " I would follow that with a direct phone call and either talk to them in person or leave a similar message. I actually did put together the original e mail to meke my head fantasy feel more real and I did come close to actually sending it by mistake but it would have gone out to everyone in my contacts list. ( illegal by the way if I actually posted it and I may have quite possibly forfeited a relationship with someone if it only went to her and not been prosecuted but if I tragically ( even by accident sent it to all my contacts I am pretty certain that prosecution would not be a maybe . I have never come close to doing anything like that even for personal non carried out kicks. It is not that hard to mispost things in general. Put asside the legal bit the damage that could be done to the unfortunates who recieved this unsolicited 'flashing ' in words and pics and my relationship with them ( including my employers et al that are in my contact file) would definitely be ruinous to my life. No cheap kick is worth that. I luckily dodged a bullit. So careful how you play for fun.
I get aroused thinking about the action and imagining a different outcome where no one gets hurt but the reality if I actually carried through gives me the shivers to say the least - Sex play gone tragically wrong. The plus to it is it taught me a valuable lesson about doing anything on line. Slow down your car on the Superhighway and watch where you are going.

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