Decide me some punishments that will make me beg


Kinky Newbie
  • Straight
  • Female
  • Slave
May 30, 2024
Hwoo! So, I am horny and have a few interesting kinks, I just need some ideas.

Limits: NO scat eating, piss is ok, blood, puke and all of that gore dosent intrest me either, also no public

Dislikes: spanking (boring imo) edging

likes: slutty tasks (example: but both of your hands and feet in socks, then get another fluffy sock, piss all over it and then suck the piss out of the sock for 10m), socks, drinking disgusting things, licking toilet seats and basically everything other than my limites and dislikes

I also have no toys

I also need to be quiet because I have roomates

so yeah, thanks in advance

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