Fetish vs Vanilla


Kink Talk Member
  • Bisexual
  • Male
  • Submissive
Aug 26, 2024
I get absolute pleasure indulging my personal fetish in a myriad of ways - directly, indirectly, incidentally, accidentally, present reality, fantasy or historical recall. I also love relatively more common sexual relationsions like just fucking a girl with no direct fetishistic intent.
Part of my sph fetish involves a female seeing and mocking my tiny penis. Another part is indulging the cuckold thing preferably with me as a voyeur just watching my s/o being fucked by another guy and also the visual comparison of those present between my tiny penis and the other guy.
I however do not get the same thrill level if the other people involved are always the same. The first time a girl sees or mocks my tiny penis is generally not as strong an arousal as subsequent times. Same as with the other guy scenario. Comparisons already made, gf already fucked by them, etc. unless there is some new twist to other meetings the thrill starts to fade a bit - the more often the scene is repeated with the same participant the more the thrill factor diminishes.
It is one thing to get any activity happening in the first place but desiring either new activity enhancers or a change of engagers can be difficult - especially adding another female to it.
The other thing when it comes to the female issue. I get far more turned on if a girl known to me sees my tiny penis than a stranger. This is far more difficult to get satisfaction from because Imhave to be mindful of the impact on my general social life and social circle. I do not want just anyone known to me knowing I have a tiny penis let alone knowledge of my sph fetish and other sexual activities.
There are a few trusted confidantes ( all female by the way) that know all about my tiny cock and sph fetish other than the ones I have had sexual relations and amongst those most wouldnt be aware of the sph bit. I have put myself in situations or been in unintended situations where a female , friend, work colleague or from my broader social sphere has seen my tiny penis or at least heard gossip about it but it is a bit of a potential minefield. I have stepped on a mine from time to time but thankfully without far reaching, long lasting or serious consequences.
The situational experiences I have in some way created or voluntarily engaged in are relatively easier to limit the possible unwanted fallout than the accidental, incidental variety.
I have been willing to take the potential fallout of one or two or more girls who are not close friends but part of my broader social sphere and I am only minimally known to them. An example if that is when I joined in a skinny dip and everyone there saw my little dick, a pool party where I knew that pantsing was probably going to be a thing at some point because I started it and purposely manouevered it so I would be close to a bunch of girls when the surefire revenge happened. A bedroom door a bit ajar while I masturbate in a shared household ( one female housemate sneakily peaked in when I did it but she was the only one in the house and my bedroom was next to one of the bathrooms so I knew who my potential audience would be - longshot and I was surprised it happened as it did - not just a pasding glimpse she lingered.

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