Horny snd Sleeping in the same bed with someone you fancy - but no sex


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Aug 26, 2024
This could be a fetish for me but isnt really. I have had at least a half dozen ( probably more if I start thinking about it) when I have been in the same bed with someone I fancy and I am horny as hell but knew there was going to be no sex happening. Every one of my experiences that I am recalling was almost torturous and I usuallly had to go somewhere else for a crafty wank so I could actually get to sleep. I wont detail them all here because the scenarios are pretty much the same
except a couple I coukdnt go anywhere for a wank to ease my situation.
A shorl bullet pointing of some of myexperiences are as follows.
A) - Shared couchette on an overnight train
- girl was another friends girlfriend
She was half naked in the other bunk
- By the light of the moon I saw her blanket had slipped a bit and I could see her tits
B) shared pup tent ( anyone inside had to sleep practically butt to butt )
- camping with group of friends and she had a falling out with her boyfriend and she couldnt get a space in any other tent
- it was pissing down with rain
- she had stripped down to t shirt and panties before getting into her sleeping back
C) Shared household with 3 other guys
- aftermath of houseparty
- some people slept over
- the only couch was taken and no spare bedding
- winter and floor space too cold and uncomfortable
- all the other guys had girlfriends sleeping over.
- me single in single bed with no extra bedding and a cold floor
- she knocks on my door
- she asks if I can share my bed but made it clear - no funny stuff
- I get a hard on as soon as she asked and was only wearing boxers but I am under covers
- when I concede and let her crawl in to now very close quarters small bed she must have noticed my desire
- she repeats the no hanky panky statement and snuggles in ( bra and panties)
- no sneaky escape for me and a toilet wank
- I didnt get a minute of sleep and still had a raging stiffy in the morning
I had to wait for her to arise - get out bed - put her clothes on and exit before I got up myself
- furiuosly wanked as soon as she left my room
- she caught me out because she had quickly returned to my room because she left something behind
- a quick sorry from her as she dashed over to grab a pack of smokes and a set of keys off my dresser then vanished - I shot a messy load
D) In pullout sofabed with girl I had just had my second date with and we went to a house party
- a housemates sister is passed out on a chair in the room
- I wanted to have at least some fiddle about sex ( cheeky fondling and masturbation)
She absolutely refused because of the passed out girl in the room
- ( didnt say but I absolutely loved the extra spice that provided - I would happily full fuck in danger of a voyeur)
- No means No
E) (perhaps the most frustrating )
- in my bedsit with two girls I fancied - both were bi
- absolutely sure I was going to enjoy my first threesome
- they actually stripped down to their bra and panties and jumped into bed
- I quickly tossec all of my clothes aside and was at attention ready to join in
- they started playing with each other
- tried to join in - remember No Means No
- my house but rule still applies and I respect that even thought my hard dick wants to disagree
- I was allowed to watch and wank but I only saw flashes as they stayed mostly under the covers-
- did I have a go at them about their social behaviour? No.
Why not? Because I thought that perhaps there would becanother opportunuty with them
- did I ? yes but individually not together
Did I get another opportunity with either of them?
- NO. I was inadequate in bed by both their standards ( tiny cock and sorry stamina may have influenced their no second fuck decision


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Aug 26, 2024
I have just recalled another awkward, frustrating and very horny situation. I was touring around Spain with a friend and his girlfriend in a volkswagen camper van. It was the type where the roof pops up and a double sleeping space is available there and below. They took the upper abd I luxuriated in the lower. I didnt have to endure any hanky panky from them and kept my own hand away from myself during the trip. Not so easy as I am a serial wanker if not in a relationship or my s/o is absent. Also his gf was a bit of a sex kitten and as it was summer she was dressed quite skimpily most of the time either in halter top and very short shorts or a bikini bathing suit. She didnt have big tits but picture a baywatch babe or actually closer to her look would be Cameron Diaz with reddish brown hair. i know it wasnt dyed because I had got a glimpse of the carpet before and it matched the drapes.
We were parked up near a beach one night and sometime in the wee hours a extremely strong wind started blowing and it was rocking the van so much we feared it would tip it over. It was quickly decide that the roof had to be pulled down as there was no nearby escape from the wind. This meant we had to cram together in the bed I occupied because sleeping anywhere else was not an option. There was just enough room for us but no space between bodies. She took one side I was on the other and he squeezed in between. I am a side sleeper , he is a back sleeper and she is also a side sleeper I naturally sleep facing the outside of the bed, she apparently sleeps facing the middle.
I was already a bit horny because she didnt exactly get dressed when they descended to the ground floor because it was a bit urgent. She stood waiting in only a lacey bra and panties as he pulled the roof down . I hid my now full boner under the covers and was very careful to keep it hidden when they squeezed in. I dont no how long we slept( I took a bit longer to nod off and my painful hard on had subsided) However I was awoken when he got up to take a piss. He went outside to do it . She was still skeeping soundly but before he had returned she had rolled over and now she was facing me . I returned to trying to sleep and faced away from her ( during her roll over she wasnt completely covered by the blanket we all shared so I got another flash of her breasts) Back comes the boner. He returns and rather than disturb her he fills her former spot and scootches her over a bit so he can fit. Now her breasts are pressed against my back and if I had been facing her direction my stiffy would have been pressing against her tummy or there abouts. I struggled for what seemed ages to get back to sleep to no avail. The sun was beginning to rise at this point abd I needed to get some relief because my situation was pure torcher. I tried to creep out stealthily and I was on the door side but it was a bit noisey opening it and I was facing inward to close it. In the meantime she woke up and quite likely got a glimpse of my hard on in my shorts befire I could close tge door. With that image in my head I snuck off to the nearest group of bushes and had a wank and a piss. They were both sound asleep again but she had shifted a bit more and there was really not enough room so I took a nap on the nearby beach. We had a couple more days on the road and although the sleeping arrangements had normalized I had to go have a sneaky wank in the wee hours on the subsequent nights. I know some people do the denial thing or that tantric thing and hats off to them because that has to be bloody hard to do when you are not used to it.


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Aug 26, 2024
I have to add a postscript to the above missive. They never married ( they were engaged)
Turns out he was a bit of a philanderer. He serially cheated on her with numerous women any chance he got. I was well aware of it at some point but I wasnt going to turn him in. He was a good friend after all but I certainly didnt approve of his disloyalty. About a year later after she caught him out and broke off the engagement I unsuccessfully tried to get into her panties but was gently turned down.

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