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Feb 8, 2013
Just wondering If anyone out there is into incest or has actualy done incest and has proof? It has recently become more fake and used primarily for porn and not so much a real thing...if u have done anything with incest post What u did and what relation u had to the person u did it with(brother, sister, father, ect.)

If u dissagree or have a problem with anything I've said I'm sorry this is only an opinnion not fact and feel free to correct me just be reasonable about itdont flip out cyz I'm not an expert and I'm here to learn, I'm very open minded and all opinnions are welcome!

Komodo Jones

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May 27, 2009
Incest is a turn-on for me but I've never actually experienced it. The only people in my family I've ever wanted to have sex with though are some of my first cousins, once removed and my second cousins, all female. I'm an only child so I don't have any brothers or sisters. When I was with my first ever Mistress we did a lot of roleplaying with us acting like brother and sister and daughter and father, and she was always in control. I also had a daughter/daddy relationship with someone for a while but that also disbanded since then. It is pretty hot, but I think it's strictly a fantasy of mine.


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Jun 7, 2013
don't have proof but Ive been sexually active with a cousin for some time now.


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May 10, 2015
I have wanted my mother since I was 13/14. She is 71 now but still looks great and I would still make love to her if I get the chance.


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Aug 26, 2024
Definitely have fancied more than a few of my female cousins and a few young aunts but never even thought of indulging even when one cuz my age was always constantly flirting with me . The closest I have come to that sort of thing was when I fucked a friends mum. I was in my twenties and she was a very voluptious 40 something single mum. I was visiting with my friend, her boyfriend and various other friends and relatives of hers for the xmas - new years holiday. New years Eve when everybody was partied out and going off to their respective rooms, couches or sofa beds etc. her mum said I could sleep in her room instead of camping out on a cot. It was whispered in my ear and her daughter had already retired. I wasnt expecting to actually fuck her but thought it was a polite offer of somewhere else more comfortable but when I got to her room there was only one bed ( I assumed it was a twin bed situation. She climbed into bed after unabashedly stripping down to her undies and removed her bra once she was under the covers. I then decided that she indeed wanted me to fuck her ( bit slow on the uptake)
I quickly shed all of my clothes and my erection was clear after I removed my boxers.
However I had misread her intent. She just wasnt that shy about being half naked in front of me and did not expect me to do more than get down to my own undies. It was a genuinely weird and awkward situation when I realized she had only been offering me a more comfortable place to sleep but her unabashedness was confusing the situation. She took pity on my obvious chagrin and said 'alright then' and waved into bed.
I would like to say the sex was great but sadly I did not satisfy her at all ( to be fair the foreplay bit was way too rushed ( mostly my fault as I was way too keen to fuck her in case she changed her mind) I was also way too aroused by the situation and the fact she was a very fit and voluptuous woman. My stamina while actually fucking isnt that great at the best of times ( usually counted in single digits at my very best) but I would hazard to guess I was probably pumping away for seconds not even near a minute and even though my rather tiny penis felt a bit lost inside her I came very hard anyway. She didnt utter a word and just rolled over and went to sleep. I had trouble doing the same as I felt extremely embarrassed and wanted to just grab my clothes and sneak away unseen. However I awoke in bright sunshine and she was already dressed and puttering about as I very sheepishly gathered my clothes and dressed. We exchanged very awkward good mornings before I slunk away.
The worst was yet to come when I crossed paths with her daughter who was not very pleased with the fact I had slept with her mother. She managed to make no comments about it but I could feel her disdain. Very, very awkward next couple of days before I took my train home. My friendship with her daughter was never quite the same after that .

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