Hand Held Ladies, spill your pleasure secrets!

How frequently do you use vibrators for pleasure?

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Apr 13, 2016
When it comes to vibes we are spoiled for choice and deserving nonetheless..lol, there are a lot of different types like bullet vibes, egg vibes, rabbit vibes, wands, g spot vibes, clit vibes etc and some are also smart vibes that are remote or app controlled. And I thought it would be interesting to know how the ladies here use vibrators for their pleasure and also be a learning experience for many.

Personally I started using vibes pretty late, specifically the ones that look more sex toy-ish unlike the wand or the discreet bullet vibes, and figured vibes are something every woman, kinky or vanilla, single or committed, should definitely try if they don't use it already. I also found that rather than a single vibe, often it is more effective when 2-3 different types of vibrators are used in a combination or a specific order which may vary from person to person.

So tell us which vibrators you use or have used in the past? Which vibrator or combination of vibrators are most effective on you? Are there specific patterns or pace that you like? Does accompanying it with some other kink/foreplay multiply your pleasure? How frequently and for how long at a time do you use vibes? Can you usually reach an orgasm using them? Do you use them solo or with a partner generally? Also do you use them discreetly or need to hide them or is it something you are fairly open about?

Is there one that you wish to buy in the future? Which vibe is your favorite and which one would you recommend to others as a must have? Also is there one that you were excited about prior to using them and then disappointed after using it? Any cautionary tales to share? Also feel free to write toy reviews on any specific brand's or specific type of vibrators you have used?

So ladies, spill your pleasure secrets and not limited to the areas I have touched above?

Lastly men/women/Dominants who have used vibes on their female partners/subs can also contribute by sharing their experience about the same.

Important Note - Please don't tell me you have never used a vibrating toothbrush on your clitoris, ladies!
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Nov 22, 2015
I'm not a huge fan of vibrators when playing solo to be honest. I find that the strength and speed of the vibrations bring me to the edge so quickly so it's more about a quick orgasm as opposed to enjoying the process. Having said that, I've had hours of fun with kinky partners using vibrators for either forced orgasms or trying not to orgasm.

For my own use, I only have two small bullet vibes, a remote vibe and a toothbrush purposely bought for play. My favourite was my remote vibe (it's broken now unfortunately), it was an insertion one with various speeds and patterns. I've had many orgasms in public places with that vibe inside me, and loved every single moment. I prefer my toothbrush against my clit through, the surface area is smaller and the angled pointy edge intensifies the pleasure. I've been able to orgasm in 2 seconds before from my toothbrush.

I would absolutely love a rabbit, an app controlled vibrator, a wand and a vibrating butt plug. Maybe sometime in the future.

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
Ok I was holding back to give the gals a chance to post first but here is my two cents on what is honesty somewhat of an obsession for me!

I have always been fascinated by the vagina and started working on ways to make girls cum while I was in high school. As most will likely know my background is in biology so I have had plenty of time and excuses to trawl all the literature on the subject.

So my number one tip is everyone is different, sometimes very different. Now I know that sounds very cliched but its very important to note, just because one gal reports that something is amazing doesn't mean it will work for you.
So lets start with anatomy, there are 3 basic regions that respond to stimulation and they all vary from woman to woman in sensitivity and effectiveness. From the outside of course there is the clitoris, then moving inside the g-spot and finally up to the cervix and more specifically the anterior and posterior fornix.
The clit is what most girls discover first of course, and as @J91 noted can often be so sensitive that vibes are too much or too quick. If this is the case I like to use them around the clit, using firm but gentle pressure onto the pubic bone can be enough to transmit a lovely teasing sensation without overdoing it.
When moving inside to the g-spot this can be tricky to find for some gals but is usually well within finger reach, specific vibes that clip on are good for this as they concentrate the sensations in the right spot.
And finally moving right up to the fornix, these are the areas at the front and back of the cervix kind of creases that tuck up but in a lot of women are really sensitive. You need a good long vibe to get to these and it may take quite a bit if experimenting to find yours, it seems to vary but most women find one or the other much better.
Regardless of which works best for you it is a LOT of fun playing around to work out.
So in conclusion I would say you really need at least 3 different types of vibe, a good strong external wand style, a specific g-spot hunter and a nice long, slim vibe to find that fornix.
Oh and I agree 100% with @nina, if you haven't ever been curious enough to try a toothbrush, do it, do it right now and you may well be surprised at what you've been missing.
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Apr 13, 2016
Seems like fluctuates is the most popular option among those who already voted..


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Dec 28, 2015
I find that when I orgasm from a vibrator solely on my clit, it seems to “hurt” (for want of a better word). Basically there is an uncomfortable pressure that builds up too quickly. That being said, my Fiancé and I do use wand vibrators regularly as I personally enjoy painful orgasms/multiple orgasms and the wand gives the best results for this. My fiancé also likes to get me close quickly and take it away over and over again until I’m desperate - again, the wand is best for this. For a slower orgasm we start with a vibrating dildo, then as I’m close to climax we’ll use the wand to make it an intense orgasm.

I got my first vibrator when I was 16(ish) (my boyfriend asked me what I wanted for Christmas one year, and as a juvenile joke I said a vibrator... he didn’t take it as a joke which I’m glad about now!) since then, I enjoy a good sex toy. In my current relationship, vibrators are a strong part of our sex life, whether it’s playing alone or together and we often take one (be it bullet/vibrating dildo or wand) with us when travelling. Being in a same-sex relationship, toys are use 80% of the time, and most of that will be okay with vibrators.

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