Hey guys I need some cum and pee dares. I have normal household objects as well as access to my female neighbors Clothses.
Limits: public, family, pics
Find a day in the next few weeks when you have a whole day off to do this dare.
That day you are only allowed to eat food that has your cum on it. Use your dominant hand to wank and your non dominant hand to collect the cum and put it on your food before eating it.
On that day you can only wear your female neighbour's panties. Every time you have to pee you will roll a dice. If you roll and get an odd number you will not allowed to remove the panties as you pee and you have to wear the dirty panties all day. If you roll and get an even number than you are allowed to remove the panties as you pee. But this time collect the pee in a cup and than drink all of it. (if you dont have a dice use this site - http://www.random.org/dice/?num=1)