My first orgasm

Ballerina Boi

Kinky Newbie
  • Bisexual
  • Non-Binary
  • Switch
Jan 12, 2024
I was 12 at the time and my mother had deemed me responsible enough to be left alone while she took my older sister Tina shopping for clothes and would be gone for several hours. I had everything planned out in advance and I was positive this would be an interesting afternoon. Little did I know there would be an inadvertent introduction to female supremacy and BDSM.

My sister, Tina and I had been enrolled in a ballet class and I had developed a fascination with the leotards and tights the girls wore. I guess it was because the one thing I wasn't allowed to wear was a leotard. "Its just for girls" I was told. I had to wear a plain white T shirt instead. I wore the same size and brand of tights Tina wore except hers were pink and my tights were black.
I didn't care, she was three years older than me, but we were the same size. I had tried her leotard on once and it fit me perfectly. The feeling of that all-over spandex hug thrilled me and that memory has stayed with me all my life. I loved how she and the other girls looked in their pink leotards and tights and I wanted one of my own.
I liked wearing my tights so much I wore then all day after ballet class because they made my penis feel so good.

About the same time, I discovered the men's magazines at the corner store. I learned not to pick them up or I'd get yelled at, but I could look at the covers. There was a "True Crime" magazine where there was a circus lady wearing a sparkly red leotard with black seamed fishnet tights hanging upside down tied to a trapeze which caught my eye, there was something about it which set my perverted little mind to thinking I'd like to be dressed like that and tied up, too.
We didn't have a trapeze, but I remembered seeing a big heavy nail up high in the walk-in closet in Tina's bedroom.
That gave me an idea. I just needed the right opportunity.

I didn't have long to wait. 0ne day my mother took tina out to go clothes shopping. as soon as the car disappeared down the street, I ran upstairs to Tinas bedroom and searched for her ballet clothes. I found her leotards and tights in the second drawer I checked, and I "borrowed" her pink long sleeve leotard and a pair of white seamed tights. I sat on her bed and stripped off my boy clothes. I gathered a leg of the tights up in my fingers the way she did when I watched her getting dressed through a crack in the door. I pointed my foot and slipped it into the tights. I got the toe seam straight across and just under my toes and centered the backseam under my foot and pulled her tights up to my knees. Standing now, I worked the tights from side to side inching them up my legs. I carefully pulled the tights around my knees and up my thighs, to my waist. Then I picked up Tina's leotard unzipped the back, stepped in and drew it up to my waist. I sat down and carefully slipped my arms into its long sleeves and wiggled my shoulders into the leotard. I was able to twist my arms behind my back and pull up the zipper!
When I stood up, I felt the all-over spandex hug of the leotard and I had to stop for a moment to look into her big, full-length mirror so I could see myself

It felt fantastic! I found myself experiencing what years later I would call "my pink fog" when I was crossdressing experiencing an overwhelming feminine feeling. From my seat on my sisters' bed, I could see into her walk-in closet and saw a big nail up high on the wall with a big wooden blanket chest under it and immediately thought of the magazine cover with the circus lady in the red leotard and seamed black fishnet tights hanging upside down from the trapeze, I don't know why but I felt compelled to recreate that image. I just had to figure out the 'how'. I went to my room and grabbed a leather belt and returned to tina's room. I sat on the chest and wrapped the belt several times around my ankles. I thought if I could lay on my back and lift my legs up high enough, I could get my ankles over that nail and hang by my ankles. So, I laid on my back and lifted my legs up. I made several attempts and failed. Then I tried bracing myself on my elbows and pushing my hips up to try again. That did the trick! I had captured my ankles on the nail! Except I had been squirming around so much I slipped off the chest! Now I found myself caught and I was wiggling around so much something unexpected happened. I had the most wonderful feeling as my dick exploded with a warm wetness inside my leotard and tights! I was dizzy and breathing hard, my entire body was twitching as the warm wetness spread over my belly! I had no idea what was happening, but I wanted to do it again! I also knew my mother and sister would return home soon and I had to get myself free, change and get Tina's tights and leotard in the laundry.

Thats when I heard my mother's car tires crunching in the gravel driveway! I panicked and began struggling in earnest as I heard Tina calling my name! Then I heard Tina's footsteps on the stairs. The door to her bedroom opened and Tina walked in. "What the fuck are you doing?" she exclaimed shouting. Then she surprised me by saying, " Don't you dare move! Don't make a sound, I'll cover for you."
Then she turned, went downstairs closing the door behind her. I heard voices, then quiet and my mother's car leaving.

Tina came running back up the stairs and burst into the room. "What the fuck are you doing masturbating in my tights and leotard you pervert! I told Mom you were sleeping. She's gone for groceries now and I won't tell her, because I'm going to punish you for this! She approached and lifted me enough to get my ankles off the nail and put me on the floor. I tried to get up, but she pinned me under her knees on my belly. She grabbed the belt from her bathrobe and tied my hands behind my back. "No, you don't!" she said. You stay right where you are! She was older and stronger than I was, so I knew there wasn't any chance of escaping. Tina crossed the room and picked up a big wooden hairbrush and dragged the chair from her vanity over to me, she pulled me up by my hair and sitting on her chair, threw me over her knees and
pushed my head down and began a ferocious, hard spanking.

Now this was 1966 or so and she had a miniskirt on and wore garter top stockings with a garter belt and her miniskirt slid up and I had a good view despite her pushing my head down. She swung her hairbrush strongly and rapidly as I squirmed over her knees. I was crying real tears from the spanking but with all my squirming around on top if her nylon clad stockinged legs I felt my dick getting hard again. Then suddenly I was squirting that warm wetness again!
As soon as she felt my wet belly on her legs, she pushed me off her legs and slapped my face! HARD! "You fucking little pervert! You're masturbating on me!" "NO no!" I protested! "It just happened! I wasn't trying anything! Honest!" Tina redoubled her effort and really beat me good. When she finally stopped, she untied me saying, "You can keep the leotard and tights, I don't want them anymore Mom just bought me new ballet clothes, you'd best get them rinsed out in the laundry." Thank you, Tina." I said. "Oh, one other thing." she said, I want you to wear your leotard and tights under your school clothes every day since you like them so much. I won't tell Mom or Dad but I'm gonna have my friends at school check to see if you're wearing your tights and leotard every day. If they ask, you have to show them. If you don't, of if you're not wearing them you get another spanking!"
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