Hi. Now this might sound kinda odd, but in my opinion its all to do with mindset.
I speak as someone transsexual, and who engaged in lesbian relationships all my life (aside from the two years I was with a guy, lol). Eventually I found that lesbian sex, since I (then) had male genitalia could only get me so far and I wanted more, so have now the complete body of a woman. Anyhow, I digress.
First off, you need to 'feel' female. If you 'feel' as a guy wearing a dress it just isn't going to work. Actually, many lesbians detest skirts (have yet to figure out why, lol). Many women also are very muscleur. I suggest keeping your legs shaven, for me this is a preferred as it feels softer and more feminine. Though again of course not all women do shave their legs. And remember, women can use toys of penetration as well, so even the penis doesn't have to be something that necessarily gets in the way. (There is an area right underneath the scotum, by the way, around the pubic bone (forget what it is called) and I loved to have that rubbed back and forth and that felt very female and lovely.
My real advice, however, is role-play, and to do this before you get physical. Really really get in the mindset of being female. Whatever it is you are playing, be that person until you have finished. Dress the part. Be the part. And then you will find at the end of making love, it will be as though that character has made love to the other, and will not feel like your physical body.
Please let me know if this has helped.