My new master sent me these rules I am to follow no matter what...1
1) Always call me master.2
2) You may not play with your pussy or your tits without my permission. 3
3) You may not cum without my permission. 4
4) Your pussy must be shaved at all times. 5
5) You may not wear panties without my permission from now on.6
6) You must never lie to me as your master even if it means you get punished, you are to tell the truth at all times. 7
7) You are to keep a blog from today about the rules and orders I give you and it is to be updated daily. 8
8) You are not to leave chat without asking my permission. 9
9) You are to cheack your emails at least three times a day for orders from me.
1) Always call me master.2
2) You may not play with your pussy or your tits without my permission. 3
3) You may not cum without my permission. 4
4) Your pussy must be shaved at all times. 5
5) You may not wear panties without my permission from now on.6
6) You must never lie to me as your master even if it means you get punished, you are to tell the truth at all times. 7
7) You are to keep a blog from today about the rules and orders I give you and it is to be updated daily. 8
8) You are not to leave chat without asking my permission. 9
9) You are to cheack your emails at least three times a day for orders from me.