Non sexual bdsm

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
A lot of attention is focused on the sexual aspects of bdsm both here and in many other forums but I am curious to know how widespread the non sexual aspects of this are among our members.
Mostly these involve submission sometimes humiliation and often pain too but are not focused on tits or genitals, this could range from simple things like standing in the corner, writing lines or "hands on head" type thing right through to being forced to stand on tip toes for extended periods, holding nasty contorted poses or kneeling on rice. Of course there are far more extreme examples too and for the purpose of this discussion I want to exclude pee and poo as they have their own niche.
So what's your experience, Dom(me)s, do you use non sexual techniques on your subs? What kinds of things have you used? Subs, do you crave this kind of play but find it missing a lot of the time?


Kinky Newbie
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May 7, 2017
My interest in bdsm stemmed from things similar to what you have mentioned. I had seen some medieval torture techniques and was extremely curious about how they would feel. Stress positions and interrogational torture especially turned me on. I have recently tried writing lines and a really good friend here on kinktalk helped me explore some other aspects of such bdsm as he had a similar introduction to bdsm. But yes I find this kind of torture more stimulating than the sexual bdsm in fact

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
Thats very interesting to hear, I am curious to know if you would care to share some more details of these type of things with the members?
Some of the torsion type techniques I have used include:
Standing on tip toes with hands outstretched to hold glasses of water on the upturned palms.
Holding the push-up position on finger tips and toes.
Crouching on toes under a table.


Kinky Newbie
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May 7, 2017
Well let me see.....There was the time when I was told to stand spread eagled while balancing a hmm...what do you call it..(.I don't what its called in English but something a bit smaller than a grape) on my outstretched tongue.
Once I had to sit in a decent sized bucket. That was really very tough and almost impossible to get out.
And there was also the time when I had to tie my toes together and squat completely, blindfolded with a rod holding my hands behind me while I was under the shower.
There were many more variations of these. You should talk to my friend who came up with these. I didn't think they would be so good until I tried them. Not sure everybody would like them though


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Sep 4, 2014
Do you consider nakedness as being sexual? I've seen it as humiliation, both as being paraded around, or an extra piece on a pain scene, without a sexual intent.

I've also witnessed scenes involving breasts where they were involved, but not necessarily in a sexual manner, but more about how the tissue protrudes from the body and advantages that gives.

I would guess that role play elements (such as pet play or age play) can be simple ways to engage in this without necessarily bringing a sexual element.

An advantage of a sexual aspect is it brings a resolution to a scene/event that is a definitive marker that isn't reliant on either the top or bottom "tapping out" or an actual failure (whether it be a safe word, or actual giving out from too much pain or more than either party can handle).

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
Do you consider nakedness as being sexual?

For the purposes of this discussion being naked still has a sexual connotation because what makes being naked humiliating (to some) is the sexual exposure.
What I really wanted to discuss are aspects that have no connection to the erogenous zones at all.

Another example I was discussing with someone last night was being shut in a closet, cupboard or wardrobe. That can involve several aspects, sensory deprivation along with a contorted or cramped position. For an extended period this can be quite a difficult experience.


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Sep 4, 2014
A service sub/slave would be another example... A close friend of mine, who is a dom, had one for awhile. There was nothing at all sexual between the two of them, but she was given tasks to do and ways to serve that were helpful but not in the slightest intimate or sexual.

The simplest example I can think of that I've seen was a dom asked his sub to hold a small glass of water for him and placed it in the palm of her hand (while her hand was held open and flat) during a lecture at a conference. Given enough time, the glass would eventually get heavy...

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
Ummm.... Do you think the tasks I mentioned don't really fall in this category?

On the contrary, your tasks are a fit I think. Setting awkward poses or binding while performing normal activities such as showering are definitely in. The nakedness there is simply due to the nature of the activity and not unnatural such as standing naked in your lounge or kitchen for instance.
I have heard of examples of things like house chores while partially bound, one arm tied behind your back for instance while doing washing. For this you wouldn't need to be naked for it to still have an impact, the humiliation and added difficulty of working make it quite an effective torment.

And this is where it tends to tie into some of that medieval concept of just being cruel for the sake of it, sadism distiled.

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
A service sub/slave would be another example...

This is a great example, any kind of service activity done as part of the submission fits the bill.
In fact forniphilia can fall into this category also as long as the sub/slave remains dressed they become simply an ornament or furniture for their master.

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