Online: M/Slave/20 seeks F/Dom/All ages ~ Online CamSlave for Dom

United States (East of the Rockies)


Kinky Newbie
  • Straight
  • Male
  • Slave
Feb 2, 2011
20 year old slave male seeking a dominant female of any age

First, anyone may apply. Female, male, or couples. The menu just forces a choice.

I've been interested in the sub/dom world for a bit now. While not experiencing it in real life, I have performed on cam quite a few times. I'm looking for something stable now, a long term bond enjoyed by both my Dom and me.

I'm typically online most day, though I may not have time to play occasionally. (this would be seldom). At the very least, I would be available for a check in, chat, etc. I have yahoo and skype for cam play and can also take pics. I would not be showing my face until a mutual trust is established over time.

What I'm most looking for in my Dom is stability and guidance. Someone to hold my hand, and spank it once in a while, as I delve deeper into this exploration.

As I would be incredibly vulnerable with you, some type of proof of who you are would be required.

  • Kinks:
Femdom, humiliation, CBT, ice, light anal, moderate pain, spanking, orgasm control/denial

  • Experience:
I have not yet had a long term relationship. However, I have had numerous one time only encounters, as well as performing on cam sites for free to groups of viewers. I can tell you more about that in private.

I would like the freedom to continue to play on those sites, though I would of course make concessions. (ie: I would not cum for others, I would brand my body with your mark (something removable))

I have become obedient in my journey. Whether completing an assigned tasks or applying a deserved punishment, I understand it's my responsibility to try my best to see the order accomplished.

  • Limits:
Heavy anal (for now I only use finger(s) or a sharpie)
Severe pain

Deal breakers:
Involving others
Blackmail play
Permanent tatooing, scarring, etc.

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