Out slut the slut

Doctor Pervert

  • Straight
  • Male
  • Private
May 19, 2013
Sounds confusing well read on.

The idea for this is for FEMALES to find a photo online that shows a hot slut dressed in something skimpy or skanky then try to out do them by getting a photo of themselves dressed in matching clothes but looking even sluttier.
Now just to be clear, if your challenge photo is wearing leopard print leggings and a white tee shirt that's what you must wear. Whatever they wear you match it as closely as possible but make it look more skanky and outrageous.
Suggestions to make this work are to pick a contrasting body type, so if you are thin get a photo of a big ass girl or if you're the big one grab a skanky skinny chick for your challenge pic.
When you are happy that you have managed to "Out slut the slut" upload both your original pic and the challenge photo you based yourself on to an album and let us know where to find it.
If I get enough responses I might turn this into a contest and get the KT community to vote.

And just to be clear, this contest is for girls of the female type. Not lady boys or trans etc. Feel free to start your own thread if you want to copy the concept just don't post responses here please!

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