Public "drop your panties" dare.

Doctor Pervert

  • Straight
  • Male
  • Private
May 19, 2013
For gals interested in a nice easy but heart pumping hidden public task maybe this one is for you.
Dress to go out to your local mall, make sure you wear a skirt or dress and pair of nice bright panties.
Once at the mall find a quiet spot and casually slip your panties off onto the floor., grab a pic of them then pick them up.
Now simply wander around window shopping, maybe grab a coffee or something to eat and see how many more photos of you holding the pantie you can get.

Ok so you're thinking, "no freakin way, I'll get caught", well actually as Sub A can tell you everyone is really rather busy doing their own thing and not taking any notice of what you're doing. Have a look here to see her adventure;
In fact she got so bold by the end she actually put them back on while sitting at the bar!

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