Search for an intellectual and submissive person

Central Europe
Bondage, Communication, Orgasm control, Pain, Streching


Kink Talk Member
  • Bisexual
  • Male
  • Switch
May 11, 2024
You never know who you will meet and
who may be looking for the same thing.

But if you don't express your search, it becomes difficult
to find each other. So here is my search.

To save us both time, here are a few questions,
if you answer no, don't read any further.

Are you looking for more than just a simple task?
I am not your masturbation assistant!
Browse the internet or open a thread and
you're more likely to find what you're looking for.

Do you know what manners are and
understand what rules are for?

Respect is an important foundation.
You want me to take things seriously,
so take them seriously.

You can express yourself and
know that a one-liner is not a report?

When I want to have a conversation,
I don't want to talk to myself.
I don't need someone whose
vocabulary I can count on my fingers.

Do you want to invest time?
The most important thing is trust and
that doesn't happen overnight,
I want to get to know you.

Do you have a problem showing yourself to me?
I know that pictures are a limit for many,
but for me they are important.
Unfortunately there are too many fakes and I like honesty.
Also, I want to see what I have and if you do tasks accordingly.
(I understand that pictures need trust)

If you answered yes to these questions, then we have a solid foundation.
I would like to discuss everything else in more detail in later conversations.

This is probably the part where I would say
how many years of experience I have and how many subs I have had.

But these numbers can mean a lot or nothing
and give no information about the quality of the relationships.
However, I've only had one online relationship and a few play sessions,
the rest of my experience and partners have been in real life.
But as I always say, you never stop learning and
I think we can both learn from each other if you are willing.

Some facts about me.
I was born in 1990, although I look much younger.
I've met a lot of different people in my life, so be yourself,
even if you think you're weird, because we all are in some way.
I'm not intellectually challenged and if I can't answer a question,
I'll read up on it until I can.
I said I'm a switch here, but so far I haven't met anyone who is dominant enough
for me to submit to them. So you don't have to be a switch.

I come from Germany, so English is not my native language,
but so far my knowledge was enough to write with some people here ^^.
So if you don't speak German, English shouldn't be a problem.
As far as the time zone is concerned, it would be advantageous
if we were close to each other, but this is not an exclusion criterion.

I am a sadist, so pain should not be a limit for you,
I like Bondage, Communication, Orgasm control, Pain, Streching.
Otherwise take a look at my profile if you want to know more or ask.
What definitely falls into the limit category is anything that is against the law,
branding, cutting, anything that could compromise your or my work.
Otherwise common sense applies!

If you are interested, please PM me (no one-liner),
because if you female, there are enough dumb doms who are just waiting for someone to respond to such ads
so they can nerf the person with their "knowledge" of how to do it "right" XD

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