
Kinky Newbie
  • Bisexual
  • Female
  • Switch
Dec 24, 2020
Wear your most revealing outfit. Go into a clothing store. Grab a pants hanger. Go to the dressing room and take a picture in your clothes. Then take off your clothes and take a picture naked. Then take the pants hanger and clip them onto your nipples. Then take the hook of the hanger while they're on your nipples and hold it in your mouth. Take a picture of this. Then set a photo timer(10s) and put your hands on your head while still holding the hook in your mouth. This task can be done by anyone. From what I saw it would be harder for female subs with big tits since the clips slip off when you hold the hanger hook in your mouth.
I would love to see these pictures i people are comfortable if not describe how it felt.
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