Slave For Rent


Kinky Newbie
  • Lesbian
  • Female
  • Dominant
May 12, 2015
My slave recently told me she loves the idea of being traded to multiple different people and the idea was so hot I decided to try it.

So, she is currently available for rent. You can find a picture of her in my album ( For obvious reasons nothing will actually be traded, this is just for fun.

If your interested, PM me for more information. Everyone who rents her will be approved by me and I expect to have at least some idea of what you plan to do to her.

Likes: bondage, humiliation, degradation
Limits: scat, public, family/friends, intense pain, anything permanent, anal, watersports (to a certain extent)

Some things to remember:
  • She is still my slave and will not refer to you as Master or Mistress.
  • She still belongs to me, you're only using her for the time being.
  • Pictures of your time together will most likely be posted on her account, but your identity will remain a secret.
  • She does have her limits and if you violate them in any way shape or form she has the right to call it quits.
  • If you enjoy yourself and everything goes okay you are more than welcome to rent her again, just wait a few days before doing so.

If you have any questions, just ask.

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