Stranger Danger


Senior Kink Talk Member
  • Straight
  • Male
  • Submissive
May 31, 2017
North East Coast
When I turned 21 it was now legal for me to go sit in a bar and have a drink with some friends, socialize - make new friends. Then one not very sober Friday night, I spent way to much time bar hopping and found myself getting 'bounced' out of a bar in a neighborhood I was totally unfamiliar with. I leaned up against the building, brushed off my clothes for no reason, and looked up and down dimly lit the street. It was 3'oclock in the morning and it seemed like I was the only person awake there. The street was empty, no cars. I tried getting an Uber or a taxi - apparently no one wanted to pick me up here. So, after waiting for hours (I was drunk - actually it was probably only 5 minutes) I decided I would just walk home, and follow Google's 1 hour and 15 minute walking directions.

20 minutes later I'm walking on the side of a road with a street light on every 3rd telephone pole. Haven't seen a car, truck or bus for 10 minutes and I swear the crickets had eyes and were following me.
That' when I saw headlights coming up the road behind me. Just as a joke, I stuck out my arm and signaled for a ride with my thumb. Whoever it was, drove right by me. Then I saw bright red taillights 20 feet or so in front of me. I ran up the passenger door, couldn't see much inside, heard a voice.
"Hey, kid need a ride?, Where you going?"
Me: "I'm going home, about another 45 minutes down this road"
"I'm heading that way - hop in I need someone to keep me awake"
Still feeling the booze, sick of walking ... I got in and closed the door behind me.
Me:"Thanks, this has been a long walk"
Him:"Yeah, I guess. You always walk down dark roads, alone?"
Me:"No. I just got stuck and had no other choice"
The car picked up speed and wasn’t moving much faster than I could walk.
Him:"You like guys or girls?"
Me:"I..I like most people, as long as they are nice to me, I'm nice to them"
That's when I felt his hand on my leg.
Me:"Ahhh... mister, I'm not that kind of guy."
Him:"You want a ride, right? Just let me touch it. Bet you got a tiny little cock, come on, no one will know."
Me:"Ahhh. No thanks, just pull over I'll walk."
He had his hand on my cock and I could feel it through my clothes. I tried to pull it off. But, I had one hand on the door handle - trying to open the door and the other trying to pulling his hand off.
To make thing worse, the car was speeding up and my fucking cock was getting erect.
Him:"OOOOooo - I think your cock likes me!"
Me:"Stop this, let me out, and unlock the door!"
Somehow, he managed to unzip my pants and had a firm grip on my cock - even though he was fighting with me wiggling around trying to push him away.
Him:"Want a blow job, kid?"
Me:"What...? No leave me alone, let me out of the car!"
Him:"Please? Let me give you a blow job - then I'll let you out - for real!"
This guy is relentless. We’ll both get killed if he keeps driveling like this... Fuck....
Me:"Fine you can blow me - if you pull over and unlock the door - I'll let you blow me."
Him:"Nice, I knew you'd say yes"
He pulled over to the side of the road - I had a raging hard-on by this time his hand had done a good job.
The door unlocked.
His head was inches from my cock, closer, closer - I shot a giant stream of cum towards his face, I yanked the car door open and threw myself out onto the grass on the side of the road.
I could hear him screaming about how I should get back in the car and clean up my mess. Didn't take me long to get my pants zipped and run into the woods away from that guy. I hide and waited for a long time before getting back on the road and walking a bit faster, ducking whenever I saw a headlight.
I spend an extra 20 minutes in the shower that morning and never got that drunk again.
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