I find a very easy way to involve your partner to your fantasies is to incorporate it all into a game.
E.g. play a game where the loser has to take an item of clothing off, strip, or do a forfeit.
Even better if its something you can lose on purpose. If he's struggling for ideas for his victory, you can prompt him or put yourself in clothing or a position that may naturally cause something fun to happen. Such as strip naked and kneel down infront of his crotch. Im sure he'll know what to do if that happens.
Another idea is to write down on a bunch of cards some interesting ideas such as, 'take off underwear', 'strip naked', 'wear sexy outfit'.
When you've got all your cards you can give them to your partner. Tell him he can redeem them whenever he gives you one and you immediately have to do whatever is on the card.
The examples given are quite tame but both scenarios allow you to adapt and also include more as you go on and find what works for you both.