Why do you enjoy exposing others ?


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Dec 4, 2017
People that have their naked photos exposed to the world over the web whether consenting or not are often asked about how it makes them feel and what the thrill is for them. But I can't recall seeing the question asked the other way around so I'm asking it.

To all those people that get a thrill from exposing someone else tells us what the thrill is for you. Why do you enjoy it ?, Do you prefer your victim to know about it or not ?,Do you prefer to have their consent or is it a bigger thrill for you to do it regardless ?, Do you secretly want that person to be recognised by others known to them, if so how does that make you feel and to what level would you goto to make it happen and anything else you might enjoy being an exposurer.


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Mar 4, 2018
While I enjoy exposing myself from time to time, I love exposing others as well. There is something strangely satisfying in the act act of exposing someone that gets me hard (and so seems to be the case for most of the guys I did it to).

I only expose with consent as I am firm believer that any sexual should be consensual. I guess the thrill of being recognised and humiliated is the driver for most, but I don't research and google my subjects to find who they really are - i think that is pushing it to far.
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Nov 1, 2014
There are two very different things that tend to get bound together. Pictures that are already public, and private pictures not yet on the web. Although the second one even still is a grey area. I don't think people understand how many copies of a picture exist just by virtue of having transferred it over the internet.

But for the sake of expectations, let's say the picture is still private despite having it made the journey from point A to point B. If you're posting private pictures of someone else online yes you should have consent. In that case you are losing control of a commodity which in most cases was lent to you for your personal enjoyment. I don't think it makes much difference in the long run but everyone could react very differently from one another at the sight of their pictures propagating across the internet and it is at the very least a clear breach of trust.

If the pictures are already public which is by far the most common. Then no you do not need consent, one copy or two copies doesn't make any difference. That photo exists publicly absolutely regardless. One person sharing it or 200 people, computers are still serving it and will always serve it.

I think people are still learning about what computers are.

Foremost they duplicate and store data. Even when you listen to a CD (DVD, Bluray, Nintendo Switch Cart, whatever.), the first thing your CD player is doing is making a copy. If anyone sees the picture, there's a copy on their computer. Generationally, this data will always exist permanently. I would argue regardless of whether they were private or not but there is still a moral distinction between private and public.

If you don't want your pictures on the web the best thing you can do is not take digital photos.

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
If you don't want your pictures on the web the best thing you can do is not take digital photos.

This is pretty much it in a nutshell.

In many respects this is a good thing for most photos, for my work I have my camera set to upload to "the cloud" automatically any time it is in Wi-Fi coverage. I then download them to my laptop which gets backed up to my NAS drive and often will email or share many of them with colleagues. So for every photo I take within a day there can be 4 or 5 copies or even more in digital form.

This automatic copying happens also on most phones with photos being backed up to cloud accounts so just deleting a photo becomes very problematic these days.
Indeed the incidence of "found" photos on the web is pretty huge. Private pics found on lost thumb drives, recovered from old PC hard drives, phones and camera cards bought off Ebay turn up on sites like imagefap all the time.

The ethics of this is pretty clear, its wrong, they were never meant to be online. In reality it happens and as piesocial says once they are out there they really do become public domain. Anyone who tells you it is possible to track down and "recover" your photos is outright lying. You can never know just how many people saved a copy and where they are.

Oh and sorry to the OP for sort of hijacking your thread topic (very good by the way) but it is a relevant sub topic.
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Verified Kinky
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Dec 4, 2017
The ethics of this is pretty clear, its wrong, they were never meant to be online. In reality it happens and as piesocial says once they are out there they really do become public domain. Anyone who tells you it is possible to track down and "recover" your photos is outright lying. You can never know just how many people saved a copy and where they are.

Oh and sorry to the OP for sort of hijacking your thread topic (very good by the way) but it is a relevant sub topic.

Don't worry about hijacking, it is relevant although it wasn't really an ethics question but it all adds to the discussion. I wasn't really expecting anyone to admit to posting photos without permission but lets face it it does happen whatever the ethics and some exposers may get a bigger thrill by steeling the photos and posting without permission, I guess it is some sort of power trip for them but I'll leave the ethics to one side on that matter.

I can only speak from a personal view point, I did have cloud account hacked and some of my photos were posted by someone pretending to be me, to this day I still don't know who did it. If you had asked me how I'd feel about it if such a thing happen before it did happen I would say I'd be mad and not to happy but when I found out it had happened I felt completely different about it, but.........

Humiliating confession time.
Wrong or right and ethics firmly to one side once I found out I found the whole experience to be a massive turn on. The thought that someone had spent the time and effort to hack my account and was getting off by humiliating and embarrassing me like this was exciting.

Up until then I had only had one naked photo posted as the result of a wager but suddenly there I was exposed and when I say exposed I mean it. There were several photos of me naked in a public place, the result of a dare, and they clearly showed my face. The photos were not even small ones, when I clicked on a photo it expanded to fill the screen of my laptop and I was clearly recognisable. It was one of those OMG! Moments, I was shocked but also exceedingly turned.

I'll admit not everyone will feel the same and consent is an import issue but I think the hacker/exposer must have known me probably from on-line somewhere and knew I would appreciate treatment. I think they knew me better than I knew myself.
I have never found out who did it, which is a thrill in its self as when I think about it I must have had some connection with that person. It could be anyone a friend, an ex, a work college the person who serves me in the local shop. I looked at everyone for months after that wondering if they were the one. It is a shame I never knew as it could have led to further fun and games but maybe it was their plan to play it like this to torment me more.

The photos did spread a bit and I will admit that sometime afterwards during a very strong vanilla moment I did attempt to get them removed but as it has been said
. Anyone who tells you it is possible to track down and "recover" your photos is outright lying. You can never know just how many people saved a copy and where they are.
I succeeded in getting other posters to remove some photos, some flatly refused and took enjoyment by teasing me or spreading them further. I never did get them all removed and now there are more about with added security to see they remain so.

Due to loosing a wager with a quick witted lady and her husband I can never seek to get any of my past or future photos removed. If I make any attempt to do so I will be fined £1000 payable to a charity. You may wonder how they enforce this, they have copies of all the photos and they monitor the postings but the killer is they have the email address of my mother-in-law and some other people that know me closely.

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