How do I meet a man that likes BDSM


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Jan 11, 2016
United Kingdom
You might want to try not telling them, but introduce it but by bit into the bedroom once your relationship gets to that stage.

Start by using a tie to bind their wrists to the headboard and tease them or let them come home to you bound as such, whichever is your preference. Even if someone hasn’t tried it out before, they might be a little more inclined to give it a go, and who knows, they might even enjoy it.

It’ll be up to you to decide how big a step your willing to take with them at the time, but don’t go from a gentle tease with their wrists bound to hardcore bdsm bondage gear for hours on end, but slowly build up to it. They’ll let you know when they start feeling uncomfortable and then you’ll know the relationships limit.

Hope this helped
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Aug 9, 2012
you should try searching on fetlife if you are looking for someone in your area into it. Being a girl you wont have any trouble finding all kinds of guys throwing themsleves at your feet

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
I have had a few boyfriends, I am currently a student and when I tell partners male or female that I like BDSM it always seems to make them run!
What can I do has anyone else experienced this ?
Definitely agree with @shadowice0823 on this one, you need to find someone into kink to begin with. The chances of turning someone vanilla to kinky is about as hopefully as turning someone straight to gay.
Since you're looking for actual partners another great method is to look out for any local munches. These are great places to meet others in the local kink community in a casual setting and just chat and get to know them.


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Jan 9, 2008
I'd like to write a story soon.
I have vanilla sex for years but my dirty mind made me try things.

In time I tried a lot of things. Tied my mate, succesfully tried toys. If your mate is not into what you are, with a little patience she would like and not notice the change. So turning her to kink works in time. Simply talking: life is short. I have an idea.

We define sex too much as vanilla or sm, in practice we can have a little of each. And the best relationship creates a ballance of who each other is, sub or domme.

If you feel you are dominant then you will dominate your lover. And in little time you get what you want while you love each other.
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Kinky Newbie
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Aug 10, 2019
I usually try to work into that in a conversation, look for key words when they are having a casual conversation with you..sometimes being subtle is the best way
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Jan 8, 2011
It isn`t easy to find somebody kink in real life. I`m looking for Years. And when I meet girl who love the same. She found a guy who is better than me in other reasons:D
Many people just afraid to try new things or even think about something different...

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