No experience with selfbondage but with binding others ... 100 hours seams a bit on the long side (to say it mildly), but it depends a bit on what exactly you plan to do.
I would highly advice against anything restrictive for anywhere close to that time, 100 times more so while alone! Even 1 hour would be long. The main problems that can show up in bondage are muscles cramping, nerve damage, losing of blood flow (although that one is way less likely than some people believe, still it is a thing to keep in mind), rope burn.
The by far most common problem is nerve damage, there are several nerves very close under the skin in places where you might bind yourself if you don't know about them. This is especially a problem if you aim for long term bondage and if you don't have someone around that can unbind you fast. As long as you unbind as soon as signs show up (tingling, lose of feeling) this is nothing permanent but it can be a problem if you cant get out, up to permanent damage to the nerve in question. You should inform yourself about this subject before you even think of doing any kind of long term bondage! And yes, 1 hour is already long term
The 2nd big thing I see is rope burn, even for light bondage 100 hours is extremely long. How big of a problem that is will depend on the place of your body and the rope you use.
To be honest any kind of bondage that is restrictive (meaning you cant get out of it at any point by yourself) would be crazy to do for even 1 hour while alone, not even talking of anywhere close to 100.
For non restrictive ones I would advice to get safety scissors big enough that they are able to cut your rope, be careful with signs of starting nerve damage, make sure there is an option to get help (just in case)...