4th Dare Completed Frosty


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  • Dominant
Feb 16, 2012
This is the first dare I've sent that had a mental/psychological component, I was quite impressed by the way Frosty handled this, hope you will be too.

The Dare

Get a small clear plastic bottle, fruit drink, lemonade whatever, drink at least a few big sips of it more if you really want to degrade yourself then fill it back to the top with your pee and give the bottle a couple shakes to mix it up.
You then may either go out in public somewhere and enjoy your tasty beverage a little or a lot, go out some where and go to enjoy it but wind up spilling some of it on your shirt or do both.
You'll be the only one to know what you are actually doing so it is fairly low risk. If this is outside your comfort zone then no worries, if it isn't then until you get a chance to do this and report on it think about standing there in public with a clear bottle full of your own pee everyone around you as you take a sip or two from it or spill some on your shirt.

The Report

I actually thought this dare would be relatively easy but to my surprise it wasn't.

I did the school run and then on the way back started to take little sips from the bottle, and it was actually very busy with others doing the school run, and I was constantly looking to see if anyone was watching.

Nobody probably was, but it sure felt like it, I'm sure my cheeks were bright red the whole time!

As I sipped I wondered why I felt so edge as only I knew what was going on and there was nothing really major involved within the dare and I realized it must be the pshcyological aspect of it..knowing what I was doing while standing right next to others who were unaware of what was going on.

I'd also made sure to use the first pee of the day so every time I went to take a sip I could really start to smell it and this made me even more humiliated and turned on..what if someone else could smell it to and took a closer look realizing it actually didn't look a lot like juice is supposed to?

I got on the bus, which was also very busy, and ointinued taking little sips making sure I also sat next to someone as I did so and then as I was getting of spilled a little bit onto my top. Not much just a little splash, unnoticable unless you were actually looking for it.

And even though I knew noone had probably noticed, this humiliated me even further, and so to push it a little more I spilled another little bit, this time on my coat.

After I got of the bus and began to walk home it was still quite busy in general as there is a school right at the bottom of my road, I was sure I was getting funny looks and everyone was staring..noone probably was but my mind was working overtime!

By the time I got home, I was very aroused, humiliated and somewhat degraded.

To say the dare is relatively short and simple, the pshyological aspect of it really makes you work hard at it!


To those of you dropping by and reading these if you have any comments feel free to leave them on the blog