eBay - errrrr


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May 31, 2017
North East Coast
eBay - I've been selling stuff on eBay for years. Initially I had all payments and receipts processed via my PayPal account and for the most part everthing was working fine. People would buy and send their payments to PayPal and I wIould buy shipping labels paid from PayPal. PayPay had a nice summary of every payment/reciept which I would compare to EBays transactions and it worked well, for me. Then eBay decides I need to use my bank checking account for all eBay fees/payments. So now my customers send their payments to PayPal and I pay for shipping from my checking account. I don't have access to my checking account 'electronically' because - I use it to WRITE CHECKS for my bills to people who can't handle credit cards. Naturally, eBay tried to charge my checking account (instead of my credit card) for a label created a long time ago. Today I got a notice from eBay that my selling privileges are revoked until I pay the $7.00 shipping charge. I contact customer service and waste almost an hour only to find out that eBay is having a problem with secondary payments - like I have set up. They are working on it. and wanted me to wait online until they figured it out. Really? The rep. did thank me for waiting 3 or four times, so I know they followed the script. But, why do i have to wait for them to figure it out? When they are done debugging - fix it - and let me know. This is the 3rd time I'vr had issues since switching (being forced) to use eBay's "management" of payments from the PayPal method. [Just venting, I know it's my fault and it'll get fixed, eBay is perfect! Just ask them!]
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May 31, 2017
North East Coast
Got a new message from eBay - they where able to successfully suck the $7.00 from my credit card - so I'm now allowed to sell my stuff on eBay. Whew!!! That's a relief I was worried they wouldn't be able to fix their system!!!! Please eBay may I have another slap!


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May 31, 2017
North East Coast
Now I get to deal with auto repairs - my car air conditioner stopped working - this should be an interesting trip down 'fix a problem lane'. Different people, different issue, and more of the same verbal/financial torture.
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May 31, 2017
North East Coast
Phase 1: Dropped the car off. They said they would look at it and call me when they figured out what the problem/fix would be. Unfortunately, they couldn't give me a ride home - to much traffic. I called a buddy and naturally they couldn't pick me up for at least a hour or so - traffic. I walked over to McD's thinking I'd get some fries and a drink and wait in the air conditioned building. It was close to 90F and bu the time i got to McD's I was soaking wet. Then the best part - that McD's had all the chairs/tables blocked off - 'no indoor dining' because of Covid. Which meant, no AC for me. I got a Shake and went outside, sat at their excuse for a picnic table and sipped my Shake - sweating more liquid than I was drinking. Sat there for an hour - reading stupid news stories on my phone. Finally my ride shows up and I got home with no problem. So far this car problem is not resolving itself well.


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May 31, 2017
North East Coast
It's Friday - compressor is OK - but there's a leak! - maybe the concentrator or the 'pipes' won't know until they do the 'dye' test and look at everything with the 'goggles' on. Then, they have to order whatever... and put in on... meanwhile I'm sitting around doing nothing.


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May 31, 2017
North East Coast
No news on the truck - Closed on Sunday so tomorrow I'l call should be done by now. Meanwhilei'm stuck in house alone. Today I didn't even bother to put clothes on. So bored !!!!


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May 31, 2017
North East Coast
Finally - Got my truck back! AC is working great. Now I just need a place to go and enjoy the coolness on way.


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May 31, 2017
North East Coast
While my truck was getting fixed I decided it was time to lose some weight and walking would be a good way to get some exercise. I managed to walk almost 5 miles on my first outing without issues. Well, the issues didn't show up until the next morning - my calves were not happy, an Advil took care of that. The next day - I decided to do it again, but it was a lot hotter and I figured why not walk along the ocean and enjoy the breeze. I looked in my dresser for a pair of shorts and all I had where the ones that came down to my knees and thought they would be to hot to walk in. Then I stumbled onto an old pair of shorts my ex used to wear and her 2 piece bathing suit. That's when a little light bulb lit up and decided I'll wear the shorts and the bathing suit bottoms and maybe go for a swim too. I put them and a t-shirt on, and packed a knapsack with some water and a towel. As soon as I stepped outside the heat hit me and I was glad I didn't wear the cargo shorts, but I was a little concerned someone would see the white half of my thigh showing above my knee high tan line. What are the odds someone I know would see me, at an out of the way beach, on a weekday? Low chance. This beach has a staircase leading down from the road through lots of overgrown vegetation eventually ending on the sand. Well, just as I'm putting one foot on the sand I hear someone say 'Hey, how have you been? haven't seen you in while?" blah blah blah. There stood my uncle and and aunt who I hadn't seen in years. We talked for what seemed like an hour, but probably only a minute or two. At some point I had to explain the short shorts were the 'only' ones I could find. My aunt gave me a raised eyebrow kinda look. All I could think of is how I'll be hearing about this for years. Eventually I continued my walk. It was about 5:00PM when I felt I had enough walking and turned around and started back. My t-shirt and hair were soaked with sweat, the sun was just beginning to set and there were no more than a handful of people walking along the waters edge. They were spaced apart almost in little clusters in a line walking in both directions either away from me or towards me some passed me others were slower.
I took a break and sat on the sand and had few sips of water, just watching the seagull(s) fight over a clam. The water looked so cool and refreshing and did have a swimsuit on. I decided I would have to time my entrance into the water carefully. Wait for a large enough gap between the remaining walkers that would allow me to take off the shorts and get into the water before anyone noticed it was a woman's bathing suit bottom I was wearing. Finally a space wide enough. I took off the shorts and walked to the water, not to quickly, I didn't want to draw additional attention to myself. No one was that close. I was hoping a wave would come and I could dive into it. Then the water would be above my waist and the suit would not not be visible. At least that was the thought. Actually, it was low tide, tiny, tiny ripples - not a wave in sight. I kept walking deeper, hoping the water would just get deep enough to hide the white thighs. Hell, no! Leave it to me to pick the place with a sand bar - the water level actually got lower as i walked farther. Barely up to my knees. My white thighs stuck out like a strobe light in a dark room. People were still walking towards were I siting. That's when I just did a face first plank into the water, rolled over and sat up - now enjoying the coldness of the water. I didn't care if they saw me or not, the water felt so good. I flopped around for a few minutes, confident no one would see the bathing suit slipping half off, and me pulling it up a couple of times. Another huge gap in the walking people, actually a lot fewer people, since the sun was almost down completely. I walked back to my towel, dried off quickly and put the shorts and t-shirt back on and headed for home. I think I like walking.
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May 31, 2017
North East Coast
I got an email challenging me to a dice game - I lost as usual, I don't know why I keep thinking I will win - I never do. Anyway the forfeit was I had to put a "Blackmail Profile" picture up on my fetlife. com account and it has to stay there for a minimum of 1 week - I'm paranoid my boss may find out about it ( there's nothing much I can do about that now ). No more dice games for me. This time I mean it!!!!
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