Female Superiority.


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Aug 31, 2015
I, as many of you believe in female superiority(atleast in the bedroom), and I was wondering what reasons do you personally have for your opinion?

Personally I don't so much believe that women are inherently smarter or "better" than men, I think that they are basically equal. But I also think that a man's place is to serve women. (not always as a slave) When humans were hunter-gatherers men to the role of hunters and protectors. I believe that men should keep doing that style of thing. I think it is honorable for a man to happily serve a woman, but in turn I think it is only reasonable that the woman does treat her man with some respect(or at least respect for his role).

I was just wondering what you all think :p


Verified Dragon
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Jan 12, 2015
I believe that neither is superior or inferior to the other. In any good relationship the partners serves and protects each other. The service might not be obvious to outsiders, but each individual serves in a way in the relationship that caters to the other's needs.


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Mar 5, 2014
I think that if you continue down that path of thought you will be lead to pain, misery, and financial and freedom loss. I'm a sub in the bedroom mostly but only in that regard. I think what you said was pitiful and pathetic at best. Do what you want in life. It's you choice. I value freedom and don't need to "serve" anyone if I'm not benefiting from it in a way that I truly enjoy, you feel me? I'm only trying to help. Take it or leave it. Get mad at me or truly examine what I said and think critically about it.


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Dec 10, 2013
personally speaking I think that your logic is flawed it's not a matter of which sex is superior to the other it's much more of a personal thing, in other words it isn't which sex but which person is superior to another person. Basically all people on earth have free will right? So that also means they get to freely choose who is dominant to whom or submissive to whom, and only when two wills of opposite sides agree does this become true (so in other words if you say I'm submissive to all women, and I say I want to dominate you [note this is just an example as I hate guys] then because our wills agreed I would be dominant to you and you submissive to me)

basically what I'm trying to get at here is that no one person's answer to this is right, for instance I personally think that all girls are adorable and I would be over joyed to dominate and/or submit to each and every one of them (no pedo though) but does that mean that's how all women should think, hell no they can think anything they want!! So in other words no one person's answer is correct, but just because it isn't right doesn't make it wrong does it?

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