Sex Change?


Kinky Newbie
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Jul 8, 2010
Im new here, so I dont know if this is the right area for this.
Im a 100% natural Male but I would love to be a female, have the boobs and the vagina, Long story short, I would love to be 100% or as close as possible female.
Who could I do this, Im talking have my dick snipped or whatever they do, and how would I grow the boobs?
Is there a way for my voice to be changed?
Im assuming that you would need plastic surgery for the face?

Im looking for help here please, if your just going to tell me not to do it, please dont post it.


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Jan 9, 2008
I'm not going to tell you not to do it but I'm going to tell you the obvious: You can't do it yourself. Sex change reassignment procedures are not like an appointment to the hair salon where you come out of there after a couple of hours with a new look... It's a long process that can take months, starting with medications and taking hormones. Physical, and at least in some areas, psychological / psychiatric checks are mandatory even before the meds and hormones begin most of the time. Simply put: you need to see a professional and most likely will need to have the financial means to pay for it.


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Mar 31, 2009
There would obviously be surgery involved, breasts can be implanted as well. Hormones can be used to give yourself a more feminine voice.


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Jan 9, 2008
There would obviously be surgery involved, breasts can be implanted as well. Hormones can be used to give yourself a more feminine voice.

Of course, there's surgery involved but it takes place normally after several months of medical checks and taking meds and hormones. The point is that there are several steps to the procedure, surgery being one of the last. Even after surgery there will be other checks and meds involved.


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Jan 9, 2008
How much would it cost and what sort of physic stuff?

How much it would cost and what sort of "physical stuff" may vary quite a bit from one country to another as well as the steps to get to the actual surgery. You have to consider that you won't have to pay only for surgery. This is a bit of info I found that may give you a general idea:

It all depends on which gender you are going to change your physical body to.

Take for instance MaletoFemale:

1. Your first step is therapy.

Therapy can range from 50 to 300 dollars a month; depending on your therapist. Therapy can last anywhere from a couple years to however they feel you are ready for the surgery.

Your frist step in therapy is to quality for Hormone replacement therapy. This can take anywhere from a couple months to a year of therapy.

2. Hormone Replacement Therapy.

You will be on these for the rest of your life (well at least the estrogen)

This can range from 30 to 150 a month depending on your insurance Coverage.

3. Endocronolist will then do your blood work every now and then to regulate your hormones. This can be anywhere from free to 150 bucks a blood test.

4. You'll need two references and one has to be a psychiatrist. So you'll need to see a second therapist too. This can take anywhere as short of one month to a year (depending on how much of a moocher they can be)

5. Electrolysis will range about 60-100 dollars an hour once a week for 2 years. You can do the math there :) Or laser to clear the face for two years will be about 4.5K

6. Real life experience. Make up and clothes. That adds up

7. When you get your letters, SRS (the surgery itself) can range anywhere from 10,000 to 50,000 dollars. You can find inexpensive thailand doctors for cheap who are just as good or even better than your country's doctors.

8. If you need breast augmentation of facial feminaization surgery these together can be 20-30K as well.

To add to my previous posts I can only suggest that you search for these specific informations in your country as, like I said, it may vary as well as the whole procedures may be a little different from one place to another.


Kinky Newbie
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Oct 5, 2010
I am transgendered, this meaning I am a male who feels as if he is a female trapped in a males body.
So I am going to change gender as soon as possible.
if you really want this, it means three years of therapy, lots of pills of estrogen and what not, etiquette classes, ect.
If you're devoted, then it's worth the hard work.

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