Superglue 101

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
I have decided to put down some facts as this seems timely.

Superglue, Krazyglue and many others are all cyanoacrylate based adhesives. They can be used very creatively in bdsm games BUT as always you must play safely and in this case it means how and where you use it.

Cyanoacrylate was developed in the 1950's but didn't become commercially available until the 70's. The facts are a little clouded but it seems that the original formulation methyl cyanoacrylate was used in spray form during the Vietnam war as a field fix for wounds.
In the 70's different forms were developed including n-butyl cyanoacrylate which was much less toxic and irritating than methyl ca and was used there for medical purposes.
Today there are octyl ca (Dermabond) and ethyl ca which is the more common hobby glue now. All work pretty much the same, in general the medical versions are simply better for use on skin and wounds due to lower toxicity and irritation.
When used in small amounts the toxicity of all types is considered very low, it is only the solvent component that is at all toxic, once set it is inert and benign. For this reason it is widely used worldwide by midwives to repair a torn perineum. Often this is due to them not having the ability to suture or where infection is likely or if the woman does not want stitches. In many poorer countries the regular hobby versions are used due to cost and availability.

On skin all types of cyanoacrylate break down on their own in a period from hours to several days depending on the location. Very flexible areas will lose their bond much more quickly than hard or rigid areas.

1. NEVER use internally. Use for joining the outer dermis only!
2. DO NOT apply directly from the tube, drop some onto a piece of card and apply using the tip of a toothpick.
3. If you become stuck do not attempt to pull apart. Use a slow pinching movement and a blunt object to gently pry apart. The glue sets very hard and is brittle so rocking and rotating the join will break the joint and release you.
4. Commercial removers are basically forms of the solvent base, all are highly irritating and can cause severe pain. As such they should only be used as a last resort.
5. ALWAYS use common sense. DO NOT close up an orifice (urethra, anus etc) as this will most likely lead to an ER visit. Keep well away from your eyes and be aware of what you touch if you get it on your fingers as the bond is almost instant.
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Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
Yes there is, PVA woodworking glue, also sold under various names as craft glue and known commonly as "white glue" is water soluble and basically non-toxic.
When dry it also peels off skin fairly easily but will bond reasonably well for various bdsm games.

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
You can make your own decision based on what I've said, I'm not going to recommend anything further one way or the other.

However I will add one further caution.

Introducing anything other than a sterilized medical sound into the urethra is a bad idea. You can expect a UTI to follow at the very least and it is quite possible much more severe consequences could follow from that including bladder and/or kidney infection.

Just because you see something done online in a video doesn't make it safe.

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
Just in case anyone is wondering what a glued shut vagina looks like.

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