Tests for sub females

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
In this thread I'm going to be posting some simple tests that I like to use with my subs. Most involve some degree of humiliation or objectification, maybe a bit of light pain, but all are designed to push the sub to perform for my amusement.

TEST 1: Pick up your dildo.

The first is a very straightforward task to pick up a dildo from the floor and place it in a box on the table. Now obviously there are going to be rules and conditions on exactly how that must be done and therein lies the test.

To perform this test you will need a dildo (or dildo substitute such as cucumber, etc), a box with a lid it will fit into and some way to bind your wrists together. You can use handcuffs if you have them, rope or tape, whatever you have around. You will also need two nipple clamps, clothes pegs or other clamps of any type suitable. Again if you need to improvise it's up to you to work out what you have to make it work, there are plenty of ideas here on KT if you search for them. The room you do your task in will need some clear floor space, a chair and table or something similar in height.
Place the box on the table and the dildo standing vertically on the floor. It's up to you how you prop up your dildo and part of the test, if you have one with a suction cup you may be at an advantage here.
Now strip naked, place your nipple clamps on each nipple then bind your wrists and place your hands behind your head. You must keep your hands like this for the duration of the test. You must now attempt to pick up the dildo by squatting down over it until you can push enough of it into your vagina to grip it. Carefully stand up and move to your selected chair where you must deposit the dildo.
With the dildo on the seat of the chair you can then pick it up using your mouth and move it to the table, open the box (no hands!) and deposit it inside then put the lid back on. When completed you can remove your nipple clamps and unbind your hands.
  • If you knock over or drop the dildo along the way you must reset and start again from the beginning. You can unbind your hands but the nipple clamps must stay on until you finish or give up.
  • This is a test of both skills and ingenuity, you can ask questions about details of the procedure but you must work out how you do it yourself.
  • Use a timer so you can relate your experience back on how long it took you.
Safety first: As this involves some self bondage be sure you can release your hands when needed by having scissors, spare keys, etc handy. Practice beforehand to ensure you can cut your binding off successfully and safely. You will be at risk of possible falls at various points so make sure the floor space is large enough and clear with mats etc to soften any tumbles. If you are at all unsure then skip the hand binding and simply intertwine your fingers behind your head.

If you like this and intend to try it please let me know either here or privately if you're shy of attention.

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
TEST 2: Endurance

Here is a nice little test that involves a predicament element to spice it up.

You will need two plastic water bottles 500-600ml size is ideal, some string and two clothes pegs. You will also need a space to complete your test with a large mirror so you can watch yourself as you sweat it out.

Half fill each of the bottles with water and cap them tightly. Cut two lengths of string around 60cm (about 2') long and tie one end of each to the centre of the pegs. Tie the other ends around the necks of the water bottles, so you have two sets, with a peg, attached to a bottle.

Set up a clock or timer so you can see it in your chosen place then strip of your top and bra. Stand the bottles on a table or other suitable surface and clip the pegs onto each nipple. Put one bottle in palm of one hand, now pick up the second bottle using your mouth and stand it on the other palm. Hold the bottles then move to your mirror location and stand up straight, keep your elbows by your sides and palms flat, facing up to balance the bottles keeping your fingers straight and thumbs out to the sides.
You must now retain this pose as long as possible, this is your endurance test. Aim for 15 minutes as a goal, 30 minutes is outstanding and anything longer exceptional.

As with the first test, this is a test of both skills and ingenuity, you can ask questions about details of the procedure but you must work out how you do it yourself.

Safety first: This is a pretty safe task however there a couple of things to watch out for. There is a possibility the bottles may fall and pull off the pegs so be sure to check the jaws of them to make sure they don't have any sharp edges that could cut. Also if the bottles fall they could land on your feet so wear some solid covered shoes so you don't bruise your foot.

If you like this and intend to try it please let me know either here or privately if you're shy of attention.

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
TEST 3: Clothing change

Nothing says submissive like crawling around on your hands and knees for an hour or so. And this test takes that to another level as you are tasked with changing your clothes as you crawl about.
For this you will need two sets of clothes that include a top, pants, bra and panties. One set is your "day wear", something you'd go to the shops wearing, the second is something you'd probably not wear out. So the day wear package can include a practical bra, jeans etc and any type of shirt. The second set should have your best or sexiest bra, tight leggings or similar and a tight t-shirt, crop top, etc.
You will also require your favorite vibe, if you don't have a vibe then you will just use your fingers.

Select a play space with as much room as possible, lay out a towel in the centre of the space, this will be your changing mat. At a point as far from the mat as possible position your pile of clothes you will change into. You will be placing the clothes you have on opposite this, as far as possible to the other side of the change mat. This is also where you will start from. Leave your vibrator next to the change mat.

To begin dress in your day wear clothes, set a timer so you can keep track of progress then get down onto your hands and knees at the start point. Crawl to the change mat and remove the first item of clothing, you must stay in the crawl position at all times. At least one hand or elbow and one knee must stay in contact with the floor, you cannot rollover, kneel or stand up. When it is off masturbate for 2 minutes or until you edge, then pick up the item you removed using your teeth and carry it to the start point. Fold as neatly as possible using only your mouth then return to the mat.
Repeat the process until all items are removed, then return to the mat and masturbate to edge again.
Now you can begin dressing, crawl to the pile of fresh clothes and pick up the first item with your teeth, carry it to the mat and put it on. Once on masturbate for 2 minutes or until you edge. Same rules apply as undressing, stay in the crawl position while putting the item on.
When the last item is on and you have completed the masturbation crawl to the start point and stop your timer.

If you enjoyed this you may like to repeat it at various intervals to see if you can improve your time.

Safety first: This should be a totally safe task as long as you ensure plenty of clear floor space to move around on. Look out for things you may knock over when flailing about with your arms and legs.

If you like this and intend to try it please let me know either here or privately if you're shy of attention.

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
TEST 4: Another dressing test

While we're on the topic of dressing here's another simple challenge. This one can be done specifically just for the task or sometime when you actually want to go out.

You will need to pick an outfit that suits this task, that will be either a dress or skirt with a shirt. Your outfit will include both bra and panties as well as shoes. You will also need 3 clothes pegs, and your phone to use as a timer.

It obviously isn't going to be a simple case of dressing, you will be juggling the position of the pegs which will have to remain attached to your body through the whole process. There are a total of five places the pegs can be clipped, on your boobs/nipples, your labia, your ear lobes, your septum and the webbing between your first and second fingers. The first two, boobs and labia can be used to hold as many of the pegs as you like. The last three are parking spots, you can only use one parking spot at a time and only to park one peg. At all times at least two must be on either labia or boobs.

Begin by being naked, you can dress in any order you like and move the pegs as needed to ensure they stay attached to something at all times. If a peg is knocked loose you must remove the last piece of clothing and redo that step again. Keep going until you have managed to fully dress, including your shoes and are ready to go out. Time your effort to see just how hard this simple distraction makes getting dressed.

Safety first: This is quite a safe task, be aware of possibly falling when trying to put things on and watch out for any sharp edges on your pegs.

If you like this and intend to try it please let me know either here or privately if you're shy of attention.

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
TEST 5: Sitting still

This is possibly the most involved one I'll be posting, it requires several things to work and a good degree of self control to carry out.

Toys and equipment. You will need the following items, an insertable vibrator or dildo, a butt plug, two clothes pegs, string, at least 3m (10') of rope and bunch of small twigs you will need to collect from outdoors. You will need enough small twigs to cover a shallow baking tray.
If you don't have sex toys like the dildo etc you can substitute with things like carrots etc.
You will also need to find a BDSM themed porn video that runs for about half an hour.

Prepare your rope by sitting on the floor with your legs crossed, tie a loop at one end so you can hook it around one ankle, run the rope behind your neck and down to the other foot. Make another loop so that when you hook it around that ankle your feet are lifted slightly off the ground.
Next prepare the clothes pegs and string. This will be looped around a solid object like the end of a bed or similar, usually this will need a couple of metres of string (about 6'). Tie the pegs to each end and lay it down, test by sitting on the floor in the place you will be using. The pegs will attach to your nipples so you bend slightly forward when sitting cross legged.

To test how well you sit still, strip naked and position your baking tray of twigs on the floor in your designated spot. Insert the butt plug and vibe (or substitutes) and sit on the try of twigs with crossed legs. Attach the rope each foot with it running behind your neck. Now attach the pegs on string to each nipple so they are tugging you slightly forward. Start the porn video running and sit still while you watch the full thing.

Safety first: There shouldn't be any safety issues here as long as you follow the instructions. As always when using rope keep scissors handy in case a knot pulls tight and you can't undo it. Make sure the rope only runs behind your neck, never wrap around your neck in these kind of scenes. Be sure anything you insert isn't too long that when you sit down will cause problems.
Panic alert. There is a very slight chance of a feeling of panic developing when restricted in movement , if you feel anxious or panicky with your legs held like this, stop and remove them immediately.

If you like this and intend to try it please let me know either here or privately if you're shy of attention.

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
TEST 6: What's your limit?

Testing limits is always fun, and a couple of my favorites to test are how many pegs you can take on your boobs and how much you can stuff your cunt. So I've devised a way to test both together by making it into a game with some chance elements.
For this one you'll need a bit more in the way of equipment but it's easy stuff to get. You'll need 10 regular Sharpie pens and 20 ordinary clothes pegs plus a regular six sided die.

The setup is simple, lay out the markers and pegs on a table with enough room to be able to roll the die. You will be standing at the table for the duration of the test.
Begin by rolling the die, if you roll an odd number you must attach one peg to a boob, if you roll a 2 or 4 you must insert a Sharpie into your cunt. If you roll a 6 you get a reposition option, you can (but don't have to) move a peg to another spot, remove a peg and insert a pen, or remove a pen and attach a peg. Basically it gives you a little wiggle room if something is getting uncomfortable.

Keep rolling at a pace that suits you until you run out of pegs or pens or you reach your limit. So, what is your limit?

Safety first: This is generally a safe test, as always make sure your insertables, the pens, are clean before using them and watch out for any sharp edges on your pegs.

If you like this and intend to try it please let me know either here or privately if you're shy of attention.

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
TEST 7: Another Endurance test

Here's another super simple test that requires only a few household items to perform.
You'll been a broom, about 1m (3') string or twine and two clothes pegs.

You will need to prepare by doing a trial setup, place the broom on the floor. Now sit flat on the floor with your feet wide apart so your knees cross over the broom handle. Now lean forward so your boobs dangle down and place your string under the broom then lift the ends to your nipples. Tie the pegs on at this length so that when they are attached to your nipples they keep you bent forward. Once you have this correct you are ready to being the endurance test.

Set yourself a nice open area of floor space and lay out the broom with the pegs and string as prepared earlier. Get into position again with knees crossing the broom handle and lean forward then attach the pegs. Start a timer then place your hands on your head and hold the position for as long as you can.
You will find your calves, thighs and back will all be strained and this is a difficult pose to hold. Five minutes will seem much longer but is a good benchmark time, if you make it to 10 that would be exceptional.

Safety first: This is a pretty safe task however there a couple of things to watch out for. There is a possibility you may suddenly pull off the pegs so be sure to check the jaws of them to make sure they don't have any sharp edges that could cut. Also beware of toppling over and hitting furniture.

If you like this and intend to try it please let me know either here or privately if you're shy of attention.

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