Toronto: M/Sub/30 (household) seeks M/Dom/All ages ~ Take her away, make fun of me



Kinky Newbie
  • Straight
  • Male
  • Submissive
Apr 26, 2013
30 year old submissive male seeking a dominant male of any age

Generally looking for someone to make fun of me online but hopefully move on to more serious situations.

I'd really like to have someone take away my GF for a week or a month or whatever... (i don't really want to get a say in the matter) take her away and bring her back whenever you both feel like it! Whatever you guys agree on is cool, she's been teasing me she might even come back with a swollen belly...or might not come back at all... i like the idea of losing control in this...not knowing whether i'll be getting her back or not! She's a brunette, 5'8'', 105lbs very attractive, blue eyes, slim waist and in a very good shape.

I also have a balloon fetish, which she makes fun of me for all the time, saying I'm a little boy for liking them, so if you can play along with her in humiliating me on that, that'd be great too... we're not potty mouths and both very nice people... so if you're an asshole please don't right back!

  • Kinks:
Balloons, Cuckoldry, Humiliation, Infantalism, Loss of control

  • Experience:
Brand new in this particular thing

  • Limits:
Anything illegal, blood, pain, excrements
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