Wow this place is dead.

The Riddler

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Jul 1, 2010
Gotham City, New York
I wish the source that told me about this forum(GetDare) would've warned me that this entire forum was utterly, and completely dead. Too bad i had to waste so much damn time on here. Anyways, i'll check back in every once in awhile and see if it ever comes back alive, because this kind of forum is something i enjoy, and something i need to learn more about BDSM, Bondage, ect.

Anyways, if anyone knows why this place is so dead, please! let me know.


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Jan 9, 2008
I think we need more of the older people from gd to transfer over here, or at least become active here.


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Aug 17, 2009
Not a lot happens around here I think mainly due to the site not being so interactive as getdare.

This is just my opinion and I'm in no way judging or moaning about whats been done here so far.

I like the look of the site better than getdare but the site doesn't really have a clear purpose. OK its for KINKY TALK but lots of sites cater to this.

To me KINK TALK just seems to promote itself as a place the 18+ can go to to talk more openly about sex in a way the younger members of getdare might not like. Or lets face it they would like but being under 18 they shouldn't, If you see what I mean.

I think this site should keep its present Talk kinky layout, there is some good stuff here for decussing. But it should sort of be a more adult version of getdare.

There needs to be a chat, I personal do not chat on getdare because you never no what age the person is and so don't know how adult you can be with your details. Here you could be sure people are over 18 and so not worry if things become more explicit.

This site also needs a dare, truth section for adults. Maybe put the R18 stories over here. After all R18 is for adults only so it makes sense to have them on a adult site.

Get the adults from getdare over here playing amongst themselves I think will boost the site no end.

Lets face it. How many members does the getdare site loose because of the under 18s, I think its a lot. Adults can feel very un-comfy if they know under 18s are involved in sexual things. I don't know about other countries but in Britain mixing sexual acts and nudity anywhere near under 18s is meet with suspicion and so people keep well clear.
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Mar 24, 2010
I pretty much agree with womble. All the interactive stuff is still on gD, and really, there are a whole bunch of pure bdsm sites already as go-to's on discussion. I think including dares, etc. purely for adults (and the 18+ fiction section from gD) might help boost things. I know there are at least a few of us overagers that still like to have fun without it being all strict rules :3


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Apr 24, 2010
I have to agree with both Womble and Leopard. I am sure that GetDare loses half of it's over 18 members - actually i think that should be over 21 members - simply because they want to be able to talk or play in a more adult way or have grown tired of the immature pee yourself games, which are the inevitable opening dares set for any new member male or female, especially if they are under 16.
The other thing that gets me about get dare is that most of the girls that appear are into lesser dares, they aren't aware that there is more to being a slave or dare slut than simply peeing their panties or inserting items into their pussy or ass and to fair to most of the younger guys they think this is what the dares are still about.
I also agree that there needs to be more interactive stuff here and the R18 stories should be encouraged to be posted here, maybe through an auto link that brings those posters here. Personally I have written one story for posting on get dare but find I am unable to convince myself to do so, simply because I don't think the tale is suitable for an audience that begins at 13.

Finally how did I get to Get Dare? well from truth or Dare pictures but I don't see Kink Talk highly advertised there which is strange considering it is mainly an adult site and that is exactly what most of the posters there do - dare each other to take photographs in compromising positions.

I look forward to seeing where this site goes but hope that it doesn't take too long.
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Aug 17, 2009
You could post your story here in

Maybe there needs to be a better link from getdare. Something that would say eighteen plus dare site follow link and place it in a more prominent position on getdare.

I'm not sure how runs this site but to you I ask:

Could there be a dare section added to the current layout please, for us older people to post in?


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Jan 9, 2008
depp runs here, same guy that runs gd. He was looking at some changes to be made here but they're quite a way down the pipe line at the moment.

What you guys can do though is advertise here on your gd signatures of course and mention to other over 18 gd users that this place exists if they wana get away from the kids.


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Jan 9, 2008
Since there have been some suggestions made in this thread I think I'll move it to the Suggestion Zone.

For those who may not be aware of it Depp is working on updates and a new look for Kink Talk. Don't ask me when this will be launched, I dunno :p But the timing seems right to offer any ideas or suggestions you may have :)

To be perfectly honest I would not care much for Kink Talk to become a TorD-like site. But I guess that if there are enough people who are into this a section devoted to games and such would certainly be an option to consider. In the meantime though there's nothing that says people can't make such posts on KT to keep their games between adults either in the Lounge or even All Other Kinks sections.

Also another reason why some people are staying over gD at the moment is for the chat that we don't currently have here. That's another thing that should hopefully be fixed with those updates.


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Apr 12, 2009
Well, Ive been gone for a while, heaven knows Im quite a Post Whore


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Nov 20, 2007
As Chloe hinted at, I am in the process of a major renovation. I'll be ditching the forums software too in favor of something with a real developer API. Lots of cool things are planned and I think people will really like what I am cooking up. Things take time to build momentum and I think the site is in a good position.


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Apr 24, 2010
Prepared to wait...

I think we want to run with what we know because it works.

Having put that yes it needs it's own identity and a more adult layout would help that.

It will be easier to tell others with a different layout.

I want to get this clear, this is over 18 only before I try to interest a couple of people from GD to move here. This is to be adult site and therefore the items discussed must be able to be of a more mature nature and the pictures posted must be able to reflect that without turning it in to a porn site.
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Aug 11, 2009
I really think with KinkTalk we will have to wait and see. It is early days yet and the site needs time to get established.

I agree a more interactive format might be an asset, as this helps make friends and increases interest in the site and activities as a whole.


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Oct 5, 2010
I think what everyone needs to do is recommend this site their friends, and then have those friends recommend to their friends, within weeks, the site would be blazing with hundreds of more active users.


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I think, if everyone who'd popped in and logged out because there was little activity actually made a post before they did, there would be some activity. Just a thought.

I never bothered joining GetDare. I am an adult who organises and takes part in adult activities, and has a kink related business. GetDare has too many minors on there who, without diligent care, could get the likes of me into a lot of trouble, just through association.

At least with the 18+ gatekeeping, even if it is bypassed by some (as we know it will be) goes some way to protecting members like myself legally.

Lis x


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Sep 21, 2015
Yes we need more involvement of the staff to make this a fun place
People just come and enjoy the pics/threads without any contribution.


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Apr 13, 2016
The currently active staff does a great job here (being unpaid volunteers to keep this place in order) as I come across interesting topics they start discussing on a weekly basis. It's the member base who should participate more and contribute to interesting forum threads etc. to make this a fun place and I hope they do!!


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Nov 4, 2016
I do believe droptokon said not to try and revive old threads, but since it was already commented, one of the main reasons I've noticed (which was also the reason why I've asked for my contact infos to be removed and so they were by mods out of my posts) is because, this forum specifically gets tons of unregistered users to just scan through posts to send messages on kik directly since most of us did post our kik/gmail info out there for all to see. And as indian_slut said, they do just come over and scan through albums for free view on pics (Which is beyond me why such people who aren't even serious about bdsm in the first place, decide to go through the trouble of scanning over forums instead of just googling porn up for themselves).

I guess one of best solutions would be for future posters not to post their info on their sig/about me sections, as well as not include them into their post, just so the users had to be registered and actually PM if they wanted further contact with the poster. (Most under aged kids/non serious people will just get scared off/Not going to be bothered to register.)

Or if people started using spoilers and if that was made as function to be seen only by registered user.


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Nov 10, 2016
Well I think this should be separated in two parts. The public and registered one. The nucleic van be discussions on best topic while registered will be personal ads, contact info and other specified variables. That way only devoted people would have access to (more important) parts of forum.

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