Central Europe
Orgasm control, Clothing control, Behaviour control, Teasing, Humiliation, Bondage, Spanking/some kinds of Pain, Mind fucking, Rules
Blood, scat, a few aspects of degradation, illegal
A biz over 25 ears as online and offline Dom


  • Straight
  • Male
  • Dominant
Staff member
Jan 9, 2008
As my last search was interrupted by an car accident, i thought to restart my search again, Because i was not here anymore all of a sudden it is also fine for people that wrote me at the beginning of the year to do so again, if you want to.

Let us start with the basics:
I am Merlin, a male Dom from Germany, I am 45 years old and over 20 years active as dominant in one way or another

As dominant, but also in general, I am rather calm and relaxed, I don't tend to scream or threat or get annoyed very easy. If i do that normally means someone really got on m nerves and it is nothing i enjoy. I am protective of my subs and tend look out for them.
That said I expect a sub to want to follow rules and orders and give their best to follow them. So don't misunderstand being more calm and relaxed with that you get away with whatever you want.
Just that as long as you are submitting and showing that you want and are eager to follow, you can expect to get some things back too . I prefer rewards over punishments ... but that doesn't mean i wont use them if i feel like they are needed

Likes and such:
For things I like, there is one big thing and that is control, i love to feel in control and most kinks are tools for me to get a sub to react in the way i want. The feeling of a sub wanting me to control her is in many ways the only true kink i have. I enjoy other aspects but often because they make me feel in control more than the actual thing itself.

Things that are coming up often, but are not the only ones or even that important if the rest matches, are :
- Orgasm control
-Clothing control
-Behaviour control (Following little rituals and behaviours)
-Spanking/some kinds of Pain
-Mind fucking
-Rules (ranging from wearing a bracelet all the time over greetings every day or bed times or doing chores)
But as I said I an open to a lot things in general as long as they make me feel in control over you

Blood, scat, a few aspects of degradation (this is a complex subject but fee free to ask if something you like may fall under it) and illegal things

What i am looking for
A female sub or a couple to submit to me for longer term (I will consider short term or from time to time arrangements but not my main goal)

You need to be submissive and preferably eager to please.

For age, as long as it is over 18 I am flexible, character and submissives are way more relevant than age or looks to me

Also I am open to any time zone, as long as we can communicate in either German or English and find time regularly to have a conversation and play.
That means European Time zones would be easier, but open for everywhere

Send me a PM or post here about who you are and what you are looking for and why you think we would be a good match. I will try to get back to you as soon as i have time

P.S. I am open for any questions. Feel free to ask almost anything. I do see the ability to communicate as the main thing in any relationship

P.P.S. Failures in the pronunciation and grammar are all on purpose to test how good your English is.


Kinky Newbie
  • Straight
  • Female
  • Submissive
Jul 25, 2024
I am interested in BDSM but have no one to talk to about it. I think I am a natural submissive.

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