accidental/incidental exposure


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  • Submissive
Aug 26, 2024
Over the years I have by accident or incident been exposed in some way. Either some one finding out about some of my sexual kinks or just seeing my tiny dick or actually masturbating. The the exposure of my personal fetishes and related activities has been relatively rare but more of an embarrassment , humiliation and sometime horrible discomfort than even my sph and pre sph humiliations . The physical exposures on the incidental side involve crossing paths with a known rival at public urinals or leisure centers changerooms or showers. ( I usually use stalls rather than urinals to avoid such things and I tend to take a shower ( if necessary when the showers are unoccupied - if possible) I am very cautious in changerooms and do my best to get undressed or dressed away from anyones direct eyesight. If you havent guessed I have a very tiny penis - especially when flaccid - and extremely small if I suffer shrinkage ( it shrivels to literally baby sized proportions and anyone no matter what their age would embarrass me - picture a baby gherkin pickle) Even after my realization of an sph fetish it feels totally embarrassing or worse in those situations. At least if I am caught out by women I still may feel embarrassed and shamed at the time but I totally get aroused later when thinking about it. If it is solely involving men that kind of post thrill is rare ( with only a few exceptions)
An example of one such incidental crossing of paths is when a rival for the attentions of a female housemate and I saw each others endowments when he happened to be at the same leisure centre at the same time and recognised me in the changeroom ( at least it was before I had a swim) He wasnt huge but he still was at least 3 times the size of my baby dick ( his hangs down while mine is more like a nubbin that can barely be seen in my pubic hair) Nothing was said or overtly indicated by him that he would have felt superior and perhaps a bit piteous of my shortcoming. However he was emboldened in his pursuit of the girl and I am certain he made sure this encounter and my obvious unendowment became part of the gossip mill. ( to my knowledge no one in that household - 2 girls and three guys - were aware I have a very tiny penis. That changed. Size doesnt matter or not the girl in question cooled her own flirtations with me. He didnt get the girl in the end but I was definitely out of the running. However my sph fetish provided me with a lot of wank material after that unfortunate exposure because I knew the girls in the house and possibly some of their female friends would gossip about my tiny dick and that is an sph excitement.


Kink Talk Member
  • Bisexual
  • Male
  • Submissive
Aug 26, 2024
Dear Bronwyn,
I know you may be wondering why I did not respond to your advances when you flirted with me at the party. The truth is I was very attracted to you but I didnt want to risk things going too far too soon. I prefer to ease into relationships and get to know each other better before getting into anything too sexual. I got a strong vibe that you wanted to have sex with me but I was hoping to have more thana one night stand.
However you deserve an explanation for my seeming rejection. I know what I tell you will most likely torpedo a full on relationship but I want us to at least be friends.
Without beating around the bush ( too much) I was worried that if we got carnal before you knew me better a longer relationship may not have blossomed. It has happened before when things moved too fast. I ended up being solely in the 'just friends ' category ( at best). I know my honesty may risk that being the case again but then perhaps it may actually make you more attracted to me.
I had overheard you gossiping with a couple of your female friends at the party. You were talking about and comparing the sexual prowess of present or past lovers. I know you are flying solo at the moment but you were saying how great your last bf was in bed. ( apprently a lousy companion otherwise though) You were very approving of his ability to pleasure you sexually boasting that he was very well endowed. You made it clear to the other girls that you were'nt interested in no 'short dicked men' and had been disappointed by just average guys. You said you completely lost your desire once when a guy you dated turned out to have a tiny cock. You were totally put off just by seeing his little softie and couldnt get turned at all. He didnt take it well when you spurned him but you just couldnt carry on a relationship past that.
Later when you sought me out I couldnt bear the thought of you rejected me like that.
The fact is I have a very tiny penis that is a grower but it only grows froma little less than 2" to a skinny 4" fully erect. I didnt want to see that look of shock and disappointment that I have suffered too many times when a girl sees my tiny dick. People tend to assume I am actually well endowed which adds to the surprise when they see I obviously am not.
Anyway I didnt want you to believe I dont fancy you. I absolutely do but I fear I would totally disappoint you.

( A former girlfriend of mine actually suggested that I try this honest approach when flirting - she said they might find it endearing and see me as trustworthy) I never did that ( but because of sph I condidered it) The above e mail/ letter was an example of what I may have communicated to the girl in question ( who indeed did flirt with me at a party) but this is just a fictitious conveyance. The flirtation didnt lead to anything because she was too drunk. I never hooked up with her then or in the future but we are still friends. ( and she knows I have a tiny cock because it became generally known in my social circle through the gossip mill)

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