So I need some clearer details to really make a suggestion or give advice here.
You said you two have been in dynamic for nearly 2 years but its been lacking for 9 months does this mean its only been a good active dynamic a little over a year then?
Is this live in, local but living separate, or online? You mentioned 24/7 but also playing so I assume it is live in..
Is he keeping your 24/7 structure and rules in place? OR is this all full on vanilla only now?
If its only vanilla how is the vanilla part? Are you happy with that piece of it at all? Obv you want the kink but is the vanilla any good at all?
The clothes on sober talk sounds like its been had a few times now. Did you tell him how it makes you feel? Or did you just say you want play sessions and kink?
You mentioned 9 months... What changed around that time? work, school, other play partners for either of you, hours of availability, housing arrangements, added kids, loss of someone close, anything at all?
What are his reasons for not wanting to participate?
What are your reasons for wanting to participate?
Some of these question may help you out as they are just asking yourself and finding the answers.
You ultimately have a few choices:
Stay vanilla and stay together
stay vanilla with him and find a kink play partner with his approval after talking.
Talk with him find his reasons why and try to work it out
If you see hes not changing and you are not happy just vanilla with him then time to look elswhere.
IT is like any other relationship...people change and sometimes it just isnt the same and it needs to be let go.
Edit for side note.
@kaylessa Good catch on calling out the selfish thirsty guy trying to fill his own needs here trying to be a replacement and not lend advice. even with the dirty delete he still shows on the reply.