Degrade the Kink Talk slut!

Which best describes the Kink Talk slut?

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Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
Not content with the attention she has been getting our resident slut @sluttingaround wants you to tell her just what a disgusting whore bag she is.

We have a poll where you can pick what you think is the most appropriate description of this slut, you could also win a special prize pack of 4 special, never seen before photos just for you!
To win these photos leave a post describing what you think of her and what you would do if you had her to yourself for a couple of hours, the one I judge as most amusing and appropriate will be the winner. The competition will run until we have at lease 15 entries.

Just as a reminder this is the meat sack;


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Kinky Newbie
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Jul 11, 2019
I actually have a bit in common with this whore...actually no I don’t. The different between us is simple. She is a big sack of cheeseburgers and cum. I am a snack bag of just cum. She clearly doesn’t get much attention on anything besides her protruding bloated stomach, so she came here for any tidbit of admiration on those untouchable utters. Her deserted cave would be my first project, I’ll probably fill it with food and leave her to get an infection. Then at least a doctor would look at that unused dirtbag that is her only worth.
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Jul 19, 2016

You know what? You are almost right. This dirty piggy's rear end's hole is WAY too overweight, I have calculated your BMI from your published height and weight and guess what I have found? YOU ARE UNDERWEIGHT!!!

Go to a BMI calculator. The one I used this time is

Put in your published values: 110 lbs and 5'5". Hit calculaste. The same page will reload, showing your BMI to be 18.3.

Scroll the page down, You will see a whole buch of useless bla bla in gray. Ignore that. Read the left table right bellow it. Remember, you got 18.3, so look for where is that "Definitions for Body Mass Index" table... There is a row that says that if your BMI is between 16.0 an 18.5, you weight too little and NEED to get fatter!

See ya...

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