Fake cum in bladder (m)


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Apr 4, 2021
Got the idea from browsing through the kinkier side of xhamster, and had to try it myself.
Not exactly risk free. So I'd say don't try this at home. Or at least make sure everything is sterile.

Short version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9i3k5u9vsexfq11/2021-09-18-17-11-53_short.mp4?dl=0
Unedited: https://www.dropbox.com/s/32xmvuj66pvt2c4/2021-09-18-17-11-53.mp4?dl=0

First time I tried this and not everything was ideal. But I still can't resist sharing.
In case you wonder about the shakiness - I tend to be a little shaky when excited, and that position got very uncomfortable after a while.


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Aug 28, 2021
Fuck babe - why was that soooo hot to watch! How’d it feel going in? You def have to upload more if you do it again. Super hot


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Apr 4, 2021
Fuck babe - why was that soooo hot to watch! How’d it feel going in? You def have to upload more if you do it again. Super hot
Thank you, and great that you like it.

It felt warm as it was well above body temperature, and filling up so fast was a new experience. I had planned to put in more to get really full, but got afraid the fake cum might turn too thick to push out again and so stopped earlier.
Besides that I was surprised how easily the catheter slid in. It was the first time using one, and putting it in all the way wasn't in the plan. But with the cum as additional lube it basically went on it's own.
Then pushing out such a big amount of white gooey-chunky stuff was pretty nice. It was pretty thick, and I had to consciously release the right muscles and push at the same time to get something out. This felt unlike anything I had before. At one point it was "stuck" in the right way, and I got that kind of pressure feeling just before cumming but for much longer than usual.
I actually "peed" more of it over the following 2 hours or so. And was rather exhausted afterwards.

Not sure if I'll do it again, at least not too soon. I'm kind of wary of causing damage when overdoing it with that kind of stuff. But yeah I'll post again when I have something properly kinky.
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Oct 22, 2021
Super hot, as there is very little information on this would you kindly share what lube you used or the recipe/ingredient's used? How you got the consistency right ect. You also stated it was warm going in so I can only assume that you heated up the lube if so to what temp and was this boiled/simmered in a pan or how did you heat it to make it sterile? A guide to what equipment was used/required would be awesome too, thanks in advance would love to give this a go
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Apr 4, 2021
Super hot, as there is very little information on this would you kindly share what lube you used or the recipe/ingredient's used? How you got the consistency right ect. You also stated it was warm going in so I can only assume that you heated up the lube if so to what temp and was this boiled/simmered in a pan or how did you heat it to make it sterile? A guide to what equipment was used/required would be awesome too, thanks in advance would love to give this a go
Yes, I heated it in a cooking pot. Both, for getting it sterile and so it quickly reaches its final consistency. Below is what I made up more or less spontaneously with stuff I had at home (initial idea was to use yogurt instead of sour cream).

Numbers are just roundabout, I reconstructed some of them and anyways worked more by feeling that sticking to exact quantities. Convert to freedom units yourself if needed:
  • 2.5l water
  • 100ml sour cream
  • 7g powdered psyllium husks
  • 5g L-citrulline
  • 1g salt
  • 1g urea
Mix the psyllium husks with a small amount of water in a pot. Quickly add the remaining water and other ingredients before the psyllium can get lumpy. Keep stirring and heat up until it's steaming, or possibly to a low simmer. At this point consistency should be just slightly thinner than the final product. So if you are happy let it cool down to a little above body temperature and have fun.
I started with 2 liters and had to add more water because it was too thick. Also added the sour cream only at the end when it didn't want to mix anymore, so I had to use a blender.
Pretty sure the citrulline is just for taste, but I thought getting it slightly acidly would be good to be closer to the natural skin PH. Similarly with salt and urea.
Btw the taste was pretty nice. Wouldn't say like real cum, but still somewhat in the same direction.

Biggest influence was the comment from seabastian on here:


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Oct 22, 2021
Thanks for the prompt reply, so many questions about this, can you tell me what the reason was for using a catheter instead of just inserting the syringe into the tip and then injecting or is it advisable to inject the solution through a tube straight into the bladder avoiding contact with the urethra entirely? how did you know how much to inject? did you measure the volume going in or wait until you felt full so to speak? Also when releasing how did you control the stream did you hold it all in then make yourself cum to push it out or pee it controllably ie stopping and starting it looks amazing and must of felt amazing too, finally did you have any adverse effects afterwards or did you just flush your system with drinking lots of water? thanks in advance for your replies


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Apr 4, 2021
Thanks for the prompt reply
You are welcome. I had already typed that out, and just had to copy ..

can you tell me what the reason was for using a catheter instead of just inserting the syringe into the tip and then injecting or is it advisable to inject the solution through a tube straight into the bladder avoiding contact with the urethra entirely?
Honestly the thought of just using the syringe alone hadn't occurred to me. The plan was to only partially insert the catheter as I hadn't used one before. Then when I pushed in the very first bit of the fake cum, it lubed things so well that it basically slid in on it's own and I simply went with it.

how did you know how much to inject? did you measure the volume going in or wait until you felt full so to speak?
I had prepared quite a big amount and planned to completely fill myself up. Though it ended up thicker than intended, and my thoughts were like "What if it turns out you can't push it out by yourself? Better stop before you're full, so there's some time to react before it turns critical."
Besides that I just went by feeling. I know when I want to I can hold 1l, possibly a little more. The syringe I used was 0.1l ..

Also when releasing how did you control the stream did you hold it all in then make yourself cum to push it out or pee it controllably ie stopping and starting it looks amazing and must of felt amazing too
In the very beginning I think it slowly leaked out when I didn't hold back. Otherwise it was a conscious effort to actively push it out and keep the whole urinary tract as relaxed/open as possible to get some flow. "Shooting" works with the same contractions you can use to quickly push out some pee.
The feeling was definitely interesting. The thicker consistency and slight gritty-/chunky-ness made it feel quite unlike peeing, and also stimulated deeper parts of the tract that are usually not noticeable with pee. The pressure inside sometimes also felt similar to that buildup just before cumming. Even though I didn't actually cum during that session.

finally did you have any adverse effects afterwards or did you just flush your system with drinking lots of water?
Yea, lots of water and some tea. Only downside was some soreness afterwards, and spending quite some time to push out all the remaining stuff which also got rather exhausting.


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Oct 22, 2021
Out of curiosity was the soreness due to the catheter insertion i.e. the urethra being sore after when peeing or internal bladder sore? how did you know the fake cum was at the right temp before syringing btw? and was you worried at all for the fake cum to cool and solidify while in your bladder at all? so interesting


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Apr 4, 2021
Out of curiosity was the soreness due to the catheter insertion i.e. the urethra being sore after when peeing or internal bladder sore? how did you know the fake cum was at the right temp before syringing btw? and was you worried at all for the fake cum to cool and solidify while in your bladder at all? so interesting
I think it was a mix of both, but bigger part from the catheter. Maybe because the lube I used didn't seem so great for the job (K-Y sterile jelly). The soreness was mostly along the urethra, only very light in the bladder; Some pain when stopping peeing towards the end of my dick.
I periodically checked the temperature with a kitchen thermometer while it cooled down. Started to get ready when it was at 50°C. So it should've been about 40°C or a little above when it got inside me.
Yes, the fear of cooling/solidifying was why I stopped earlier. Though it was actually more of the opposite. When cleaning out after the cam session it seemed a little thinner. Still, especially if you use some unfamiliar material I strongly recommend to first observe how it acts over time before you put it inside your body.


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Oct 22, 2021
I don't think my last reply registered so apologies for the late response. I have a big ask if you have the time, would you kindly do another video as it was kinky as hell? this time showing the prep before injection? including showing the ingredients, how you made the mix and how you checked it from boiled/simmer to injection and how you sterilized the syringe ect? I also noticed as you had stated prior that you used a 0.1l syringe and filled yourself 11 times in the session which by my calcs was 1100ml of fake cum, did the body try to push this out by itself ie as if you were needing the toilet or was it all down to you forcing/pushing it back out?


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Apr 4, 2021
I don't think my last reply registered so apologies for the late response. I have a big ask if you have the time, would you kindly do another video as it was kinky as hell? this time showing the prep before injection? including showing the ingredients, how you made the mix and how you checked it from boiled/simmer to injection and how you sterilized the syringe ect? I also noticed as you had stated prior that you used a 0.1l syringe and filled yourself 11 times in the session which by my calcs was 1100ml of fake cum, did the body try to push this out by itself ie as if you were needing the toilet or was it all down to you forcing/pushing it back out?
Sorry, I don't think I'll do the same thing again any time soon. I got another idea though, so there may be a new video in the coming weeks.
It certainly felt like I still had some room left. So either the syringes were not all full, or my capacity is more towards 1.5l.
At the very beginning it would slowly flow out on its own when I didn't hold it back actively. Later on it was a quite conscious effort of pushing.


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Oct 22, 2021
Sounds interesting, do tell what the idea is ? not sure you can top the previous vid though? NP on repeating but could you show how you previously prepped it ? and state how you made the syringe sterile? thanks in advance btw


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Apr 4, 2021
The idea is to use instant whipped cream from a spray can. Will first have to buy it though, and then see if I can actually get it to work the way I imagine it ..
I think the instructions I gave are already quite detailed. Recording a simple cooking session seems like a waste when I don't even use the end product for anything. I simply let the syringe sit in some hot water. Should've been about 80°C. If you buy a new one it usually comes sterilized, and also easier to use since it still has some kind of lube on the rubber part.


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Oct 22, 2021
Like where your going with that idea and cant wait to see the new video, how are you going to get it in through as the nozzles on those cans are pretty large would you need some sort of reducing adapter I would of thought? and have you thought about the rate it expels the cream ie might be a tad force full? again thanks for the reply/info


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Apr 4, 2021
This guy here makes it look easy, but he's also doing other crazy stuff (hot sauce!):
I also noticed the nozzles can be quite big. And I experimented with pumping in air with just the syringe - turns out it's not that easy to properly relax the muscle that ordinarily holds back pee to allow anything to go in. Which as you said could cause problems when there's too much force behind the cream. So I'll likely use a catheter again.


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Oct 22, 2021
That's mad but IMO the way your did previously was way more horny/exciting. Apparently Cornstarch/Cornflour and water some have used for the fake cum mix? What's your thoughts on that?

Also have you seen this guy https://www.xvideos.com/video48392605/21yr_old_pumps_over_a_pint_of_cum_into_bladder

I would like to know what mix he is using out of curiosity as its looks the closest I have seen to fake cum. Meant to ask where do you get your clear caths from?
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Apr 4, 2021
Aww thx. I can see how corn starch would work. It's essentially a thin pudding sauce with less coloring.

I hadn't seen that video before. Funny way of doing it :)

I got the catheters from an online pharmacy. Actually had them lie around for a longer time before deciding to use them for play.

Bobby stan

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Mar 3, 2023
Got the idea from browsing through the kinkier side of xhamster, and had to try it myself.
Not exactly risk free. So I'd say don't try this at home. Or at least make sure everything is sterile.

Short version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9i3k5u9vsexfq11/2021-09-18-17-11-53_short.mp4?dl=0
Unedited: https://www.dropbox.com/s/32xmvuj66pvt2c4/2021-09-18-17-11-53.mp4?dl=0

First time I tried this and not everything was ideal. But I still can't resist sharing.
In case you wonder about the shakiness - I tend to be a little shaky when excited, and that position got very uncomfortable after a while.
This is so fucking hot

Lil’ Chrissy

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Jun 24, 2024
Does anyone have any more videos of this certain thing? I’m looking to try it myself, but I would like to see a couple of more videos before giving this a try.

Submissive femboy16

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Aug 26, 2022
wonder how this would feel but in the ass, little scared to take a real dick but at the same time would love to know cum dripping out from there would feel like

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