I have a question for everyone.


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Apr 26, 2022
Anyone can answer in fact the more the merrier.

What are your views on people who have self harm scars on their thighs? What does it evoke in people? What do you think when you see them?


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Apr 6, 2020
I hope they don't do it anymore. If they are someone I know and would like to talk about it I am happy to listen. But if they don't then I would pretend they aren't there.

Depression is a bitch and I personally know how bad it can be. So anything I can do to help I would try my best to do.

Doctor Pervert

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May 19, 2013
Battle scars of life.

Like any scars from any kind of wound, I'd be curious about them but wouldn't bring them up unless the person wanted to discuss it.
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Jan 9, 2008
Coming from my job I would be interested in why it happened and trying to get them to seek help if it is ongoing. May check for signs of reasons or underlining things
The emotion it evokes is feeling protective, wanting to help (if ongoing)

From a personal/partner level, when it is not happening anymore I would maybe like to know what happened once I know them very well, but overall not something I see as a real factor


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Oct 3, 2018
I will tell you from my experience even though I haven't cut myself. I feel like it's a kind of release from all the stress, anxiety and all the other things that's causing the agony. When certain things trigger you to put you in a state where you think nothing makes you happy, nothing good is gonna happen, nothing can inspire you, nothing is worth enough to put some effort on and then feel like shit for feeling so, you're in a vicious circle of these bad emotions.
And at some point, it gets too much that you want a release. It's not easy to talk about it to others either (at least for me). When that point is reached that you require to be freed, you choose an escape mechanism. I believe it'd be different for different people. It could be something very dangerous or something that's not. But I believe cutting/bruising/scaring themselves is such a kind of escape mechanism. It is important that you talk to them. I wouldn't say that making them talk about the issue will be the first thing I'd do. It's important first to create a safe space for them to get comfortable and share first. And it's also important to affirm them that their feelings are heard and it's valued. And then see how serious the issue is and decide whether or not to seek professional help.
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Apr 15, 2011
I would immediately be concerned to make sure it isn't an ongoing thing and I'd want to help if it was.

Beyond that, I'd ask them if they wanted to talk about them, or if they wanted me to avoid them physically if we were building a relationship.

I'd hope they'd have somebody to talk to about them if not me.

Intimately, I'd want to put more pleasure there than pain. Not to dwell on the scars themselves but the thighs are a very intimate area, so I'd want to make them feel good there.

I'd want them to know that I love them and that I'm here for them so hopefully they would have no need to regress back to when they did those things...


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Nov 3, 2011
Anyone can answer in fact the more the merrier.

What are your views on people who have self harm scars on their thighs? What does it evoke in people? What do you think when you see them?
I see self harm as a symptom of mental anguish of one sort or another. If I were to see it in a potential play partner I would want to talk about it beforehand. It could be a short conversation if they don't want to talk about it and can assure me those issues are in the past. I see them as a sign there is extra risk for me to fuck up as top or D. That's why I would want to talk about them.
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Dec 6, 2015
I’ve had numerous subs with scars and some who were still keeping it active. I like the person for who they are. Scars don’t define who they are. I will discuss with them if they’re comfortable talking about it. If they’re still active and would like safer alternatives, I suggest other methods to pain that is safer to help maybe change a behavior if they wish.
That being said I’m going to ask most times I see scars since there’s also a very good chance they’re into blood letting, cutting, needles, medical, kinks. And it may not be from a negative mindset for them at all. I won’t know if I don’t ask.


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Aug 18, 2014
It just tells me that they have a story to tell and if I am conversing with them or am trying to become better aquatinted with them it would be a topic to ask about and listen to. If its on someone I have known for a while and I see this for the first time I would ask about it directly and depending on the answer I would either try to help, give council or contact someone better suited for the situation for them to make the inquiry discretely and deal with it.

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