Best item ever is riding crops. You can buy these on amazon and ebay and are not expensive but excruciatingly effective. In fact recently a new sex play sub genre has emerged from these called cropping and or crop play. Pussy cropping and scrotum cropping look to be insanely erotic experiences. A website group from the UK called Queensnake may have been the 1st to go there but it has gone beyond them for certain. Ridjng crops come in different strap lenghts/thickneses/and densities and although most are leather other materials can also be found. NOTE- riding crops not bruise or scar regardless of how hard they are applied. They do not stripe either which seems to be a drawback for some users however i have never seen anything close to the after affects of a serious cropping session. I am a sex researcher and have spoken to those who seek this and omg that is a fadt growing bunch and they all say its just BEYOND anything else.Seeking Advice from experienced; What best to use for max pain but less lingering marks.