Is being legally married to your partner as important as having a trusting relationship?


Kinky Newbie
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Jan 31, 2019
I think marriage nowadays is just an assurance for some people who don't trust their partner so much. But for me, I want to marry someone to show how I deeply in love with her.


Kinky Newbie
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Feb 1, 2019
I know I have to really explain this thread. Some people feel that being married automatically guarantees that you and your mate suppose to trust each other. If you had to chose between getting married and just living together but have a trusting relationship, which would you choose?
I think that this will vary from person to person. Some people are more comfortable getting married and they prefer it. However, getting married does not mean that you will trust each other. There won't be any extramarital affairs if the institution of marriage was so secured I think that love and trust between the partners is required for any successful relationship regardless of the fact that the couple is married or in a live-in relationship.


Kinky Newbie
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Jan 31, 2019
Marriage should be based on mutual respect, understanding, and trust. That said, marriage is a very complex institution. Being legally married is good not only for official reasons but because it gives both parties a sense of security. On the other hand, being legally married does not translate into happiness, trust or respect in marriage.


Kinky Newbie
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Jan 31, 2019
I believe that theres more than just trust. Without comunication you cant have trust, and without trust you cant have a relationship.
Relationship is built with two people on a stable ground. This ground is trust and comunication. If something goes missing or breaks, the whole pyramid falls leaving you confussed and broken about why it failed.
So yes, it is very important to feel able to trust your partner with yourself. Cause you are opening up to them, and trust, to not break you. Also trust makes you feel secure too.
You cant have a relationship with someone, that you know, would stick a knife to your back or even worst to your front… and live with it. It would be unhealthy and depressing. But you can like them. That’s another thing…
so i hope i answered your question as best as i could!!


Verified Kinky
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Dec 4, 2017
Funny, all these replies and no one asks what you mean by trust. I guess most people assumed trust to mean not having an affair or sex on the side but what if you have a sexually open relationship. Whatever sort of relationship you have trust, in whatever form you take it is the most important thing. Marriage is nothing but a piece of paper. It's the state or church saying yes we give you permission to be together. That is why it took so long for gay marriage to be made legal.

Some say marriage shows commitment but that is pure nonsense. Look at like this, Which shows greatest commitment. Staying with someone when your free to walk away at anytime with no legal obligation and not having to spend a penny on legal fees or staying with someone because it would cost you a fortune to walk away and have to live with the stigma of divorce which was once seen as a negative thing.

Trust is the most important thing between two people but equally important is having an understanding of what you mean by trust. One person's idea of trust may not be the same as another's, make sure your both singing from the same sheet before you think you trust someone.

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