Need body writing ideas


Kinky Newbie
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Jan 29, 2024
I want to punish myself for the amount of times I have came today. I want to humiliate myself because no one allowed be to cum and i’ve just been indulging myself cumming back to back.

I want creative body writing ideas, i’m at a roadblock and can’t come up with anything besides the boring slut, whore, etc.

I want some degrading words to put on my body. Post ideas below and once I get my entire body filled i will post here for you all to see.
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Jun 3, 2012
Write above your pussy and each of your breasts "No touching until" and then make a poll on Kinktalk for left breast, right breast and pussy.

You need at least five votes (one full tally) for each breast and two for your pussy.

Limit it to one vote per person and then start drawing a tally chart for each body part as voted start to come in.

Once you get to the fourth mark of each tally, flip a coin; heads and you can touch once you get enough votes to cross off the fifth mark, but tails means you need to complete another tally before you can flip again
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Kinky Newbie
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  • Submissive
Sep 7, 2024
Depends on what kinda words and fantasy you want to exist in. Based on your profile, it seems you like the idea of being a toy and worthless or not having value aside from what your master deems.

So things like Master's Toy Only, I do not have worthy aside from serving Master, etc

I can provide more if I'm striking the right vein.

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