Roll number 1: Easy info (CUMULATIVE)
1: The country and city you live in
2: Your age and first name
3: Your sexual preference (straight hetero etc)
4: Your email address
5: The age you were when you lost your virginity
6: Your mother's maiden name
Roll number 3: Moderate info
1: The first name of a female or male friend
2: The first name and email of a female or male friend
3: The first name and a photo of a female or male friend
4: The first and surname of a female or male friend
5: The first name and email and a photo of a female or male friend
6: All of the above
Roll number 5: Hard info (CUMULATIVE)
1: Your first name and three letters of the surname
2: The first name, email and a photo of a male or female friend
3: The name of a previous partner and a photo
4: Five names of friends including full first name and first letter of surname
5: Your telephone number
6: Your housenumber
Roll number 7: Extreme info (CUMULATIVE)
1: All info from roll number 5
2: Your house number street name
3: An email address of your choice
4: your GetDare password
5: The first name, email and a photo of TWO different male or female friends
6: A photo of you that you agree to share anywhere with all info gathered so far