You have the choice to either do the following task or add back 20% of your enkinked tickets so far in this game. Should you choose to do the task instead, then until you do so and report back on this thread, your further enkinkments won't be counted.
Task - While I specified lurker's task wouldn't exceed 30 minutes in the rules, I am digressing a bit as I want to give you a bladder control challenge which will be spread out throughout any one day acc. to your convenience but before the raffle ends and it will not be time consuming, feel free to raise concerns and I'll address them. So the day you attempt this, you are allowed to pee once as soon as you wake up in the morning but after that each time you need to pee, roll a die (can be digital eg. phone app), if you get 6 you can pee, if you get any other number, you don't get to pee officially but make note of the number (if you do pee out of urgency without getting the 6 there's a penalty mentioned later). You can roll the die once every two hours. You also have to drink at least 2 litres of water during the day. Before sleeping add all the numbers you rolled other than 6 the rest of the day and that's the number of edges you have to do while kneeling. If you had pee'd once during the day without getting a 6, i.e. breaking the rules of the challenge then as a penalty add pegs to your nipples during edging. Similarly, if you breached the rules more than once, then for each additional breach keep adding additional pain elements (eg. more pegs, icy hot etc) during the edging Once done the challenge is completed and peeing restrictions removed.