Phone Call From Your Mother


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Feb 2, 2013
Mother Questions Daughter


Mature daughter answers telephone call from her mother and says, "Mom, why are you calling me so early in the morning? Who told that I am having sex with my son and he spent the night here? I bet it's the elderly neighbor that watches who comes and goes from my apartment complex. Anyway, my husband is out of town on business. David came over last night and we went out dancing and had a few drinks. Afterwards, he brought me home and we spent a few minutes watching the evening news then he went home to his wife. That's exactly what happened. I promise you."

Mother replies, "I just heard somebody in the background say something and it sounded like David."

Daughter says, "No, it's not David. I have the television on. Mom, don't worry about a thing. I can assure you the David and I are not having a sexual affair."

Mother says, "Honey, I just heard the voice again and it sure sounds like David. Are you telling me the truth?"

Daughter replies, "Would I lie to you? Mom, I will see you later today when I come over for dinner. Do you want anything from the grocery store?"

Mother says, "No, I have everything that I need. See you then. I love you honey."

Daughter replies, "I love you too Mom."


Daughter says, "David, didn't you know that was my mother on the phone? Next time, be more quiet. She almost figured out that you come over to my apartment and spend the night with me whenever your father is out of town on business."
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Aug 26, 2024
I answered the phone one time while living in shared accomodations with my girlfriend of the time. I had never met her mother or spoken to her and actually thought it was a woman I had a previous relationship with because she didnt at first ask to speak to her daughter and started a freindly chat with me which actually gave no clue to whom I was speaking to. She said a couple of things ( non sexual) but it made me think it was this former lover of mine and I didnt want to suggest I didnt know whom I was speaking to. We talked quite normally for a few minutes - just general what's up banter but it still did not clue me in. I then start speaking about past relationship stuff that I had with this person whom I thought had called me. Not over the top intimate stuff but sexual in nature. At that point with a somewhat bemused tone she asked to speak with her daughter. I didnt taje time to appologize and explain I thought she was someone else. I quickly found my gf and told prewarned her about my mistake. After a long chat with her ma she came back laughing and told me her mother kind of guessed what had happened and was more amused than shocked.

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