Punishment Psychology & Technique


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May 6, 2008
erm....this thread was originally asking for peoples opinions on maintenance spanking so people were giving it. I think calling people pussies because of there opinions is also not accepting that people are different.


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Nov 21, 2007
In my house
Of course i even share your opinion there is absolutely nothing wrong with pain and cruelty i like to use pain and i can be cruel some times, but you are saying yourself "to some extent". I think what got wrong here is the question where "spanking" stops and beating starts. And this can be really different from one person to another... For some this may be bruises for others broken legs or arms...
Yeah again right :) i think the important part here is how does the sub feel after it.
I am afraid you are wrong here ... although it would be good if it was the case. Some will not say anything because they think it is not right to criticize their master. Some will fear to make him mad. Some wont even feel that they crossed this line for a long time...
It doesn't even make them different ... You say that they like to do these things ... meaning they are not doing something they don't like. No problem with that :)

Again (at least i) am talking about things that let the slave feel bad after it is done, and not about things that are unpleasant at the moment they take place. And this is very individual.
I see the difference between a spanking and a beating in one point: control. Spanking means the master is in control of what he is doing, Beating means he just wants to inflict pain without controlling himself, and that is wrong!

I said "Most people" :p Now I don't know everyone, but I've met many people who actually know how to say no.

Anyway.. i'd like to say that sometimes I have some *etreme* Fantasies, that I wouldn't be afraid to try out in RL... Most of you would call it Abuse.. I'd call it thrill.

So what I'm saying.. Yes.. if the sessions have consequenses for the sub that are bad and maybe even traumatic.. It IS abuse... You do think in life you improve your happiness and desires.. I don't get why some people are together with guys that really hurt them in a way that isn't good. But you can't put any limits on where the line goes... Some even experiment with extreme Asphyxiation.. SOme would call it abuse.. Some would call it stupid.. But if it's right for the couple, you have no right to judge or feel better than them.

I have desires that most people would cringe at and call abuse.. But for me it wouldn't be abuse.. not at all.. And for me, all the softy/caring sub-is-in-control just isn't for me. It's nice that we have Doms that constantly worry about the sub's comfy state... but for me it would be annoying and a sign of weakness. I like it rough simply put... Very rough... Trust me.. if you think that a spanking till the sub cries is bad.. Don't even THINK about seeing what goes on in my had.

All this isn't directly aimed at you, Merlin :) Just putting my thoughts out there so people KNOW that there are different people than them.


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Nov 21, 2007
In my house
erm....this thread was originally asking for peoples opinions on maintenance spanking so people were giving it. I think calling people pussies because of there opinions is also not accepting that people are different.

Um.. It's not an opinion if people make them sound as if it is fact... Which they did.. There is a difference between saying:

"Spanking subs too much is abuse"


"It would be abuse if someone spanked me too much"

Because the only truth for people is their own truth.. I feel really insulted when people make their way seem like the right way...

My kink is not your kink, but it's ok.


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May 6, 2008
Well their way is the right way for them, but I agree people need to make it more about their opinion than making out its fact which is something I try not to do. Don't be insulted by it if I let everything people say get to me I'd just cry all the time :) People will never agree with each other especially over things to do with BDSM, variety is the spice of life :D

I think people have just forgotten that the original post was asking opinion on a certain way of useing spanking in a relationship, some would see it as abuse some won't. Which is what I said in my original post, everyone is different.
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Jan 9, 2008
I love pain, and I love cruelty to some extent. That doesn't make my Dom a failure

I think you've got the wrong end of the stick here. What this was originally about was spanking and pain being used as punishment, and what was being said that there were far better ways to punish a sub than using spanking.

As you say yourself, you love pain, therefore anything pain related would make a terrible punishment for you, it would be far far far too much of a treat.

Going on about abuse is rather off topic.

From the first post;

I've read a lot about different techniques for administering punishment in a loving relationship and was wondering if these are effective in real working relationships.

I think people have just forgotten that the original post was asking opinion on a certain way of useing spanking in a relationship

So actually for me little one, the thread is even broader than that. For me, it uses spanking as an example of punishments and is looking for ideas about how punishments can be administered in a broader context


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May 6, 2008
As I said Mr P it was asking about useing spanking in a certain way, as punishment :)


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May 20, 2008
I think spanking can be used as a punishment without being abuse.

For simplicity, say the amount of spanks that your sub partner would enjoy was X spanks.

If you give them, say, X + 50 spanks you can hardly call it abuse, but the slave will learn that she doesn't want that to happen again and will therefore have been successfully punished, especially if she can't sit down the next day, naming no names ;)


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May 6, 2008
If they enjoy X spanks then I'm guessing they enjoy spanking. So why would +50 change that. Like I have said before you are just giving them something they enjoy but more of it. You would have to go very high for it to go out of my pleasure zone and if Mr P deliberatly went out of his way to hurt me I wouldn't be at all impressed and I'd be extremly upset he had turned something I enjoy into something I would potentially fear.


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Jan 9, 2008
For simplicity, say the amount of spanks that your sub partner would enjoy was X spanks.

If you give them, say, X + 50 spanks you can hardly call it abuse, but the slave will learn that she doesn't want that to happen again and will therefore have been successfully punished

My ass is bright purple right now from a really intense spanking from 4 days ago. I really don't think 50 more would become a punishment then. I think 50 less as a punishment would maybe more effective for me :D
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Nov 21, 2007
In my house
[too many words to quote]

um.. Well I wasn't aiming this specifically at you.... So don't get so mean :(

Anyway.. I'm just expressing my feelings based on something some people have said here... Also, so what if it's offtopic? Offtopicness is the beauty of conversations :D


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May 25, 2008
I love being spanked. For me, punishment would be my Master ignoring me, which he does a lot when displeased with my behavior.


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Mar 15, 2008
Just like tempered_sugar, the use of spankings as a punishment for me would be totally irrelevent because I like them much. But even a punishment involving "bad pain" would be just as ineffective. I agree with sum1 that a punishment should allow a sub to think about what he/she has done wrong. The way I see it the best punishments are the ones where you can realize what was done wrong, find ways to avoid repeating the same mistake over again & make up for what was done wrong.

So what type of punishment do YOU recommend?


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Jan 9, 2008
One example I had in mind when I wrote this was one "punishment" (it was rather a "consequence" in that particular context) that I received a while ago with my then-Master. I had accepted a task but completely botched it on purpose when came time to do it because it made me feel a bit too uncomfortable. I had then to re-do it once a day until I got it right. May sound very simple but trust me I wasn't pleased at 1st about having to do it over & over (it took me 4 days I believe). But once it was finally done I felt much better as I had made up for my mistake. The thing is that I personally am the type of sub who will feel very bad whenI do something wrong so much so that even these bad feelings are a mental self-punishment for me. So having a chance to make up makes it less dramatic.

So in the context of this thread a spanking would not work as I like it a lot. And anything involving "bad pain" would not help me making up at all. It could perhaps work short term only but would not allow me to make up & find ways to improve myself.


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Mar 15, 2008
So perhaps for you just a complete denial of ANY pain would be the real punishment


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May 25, 2008
Agreeing with Tension

I have to agree with TensionRoom on this one.

Physical violence should never be used as punishment. I know the following might be a bit hard to understand, but bear with me.

As a dom, I believe in punishments that fit the crime. If you are spanking someone for not letting the dog out, what have they learned? Probably nothing, because they're sitting on your knee being spanked either thinking about how much it hurts, how aroused they're getting, or what they could be doing if they weren't being spanked. Instead, perhaps something like a rule that requires them to beg to use the toilet and then denial of the toilet (while you're in a BDSM/messy safe environment) for an entire day, forcing them to use their pants (or diaper?) would be more productive. It does keep them thinking about why they are being punished.

This isn't the best example, but often you can refer to this as negative reinforcement. Negative reinforcement is kind of tricky and can contain many different aspects, but the one I'm talking about is mainly a decrease in certain behavior due to the removal of certain stimuli, or introduction to slightly unpleasant stimuli. In this case, both were administered, slightly unpleasant: using your pants, removal: allowed use of bathroom.

A slave/sub should never feel compelled to complete your requests based on fear of beatings. It only breeds mistrust, which is the most harmful thing that can enter a relationship.

In my personal experience, the threat of a punishment is often enough to keep one in line. However, should a punishment be needed, it should be something menial that reinforces the good behavior and makes the sub think. Sometimes, I find, for an unruly sub, the best punishment is just hearing the disappointment in your voice, followed by no punishment at all.

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May 6, 2008
Instead, perhaps something like a rule that requires them to beg to use the toilet and then denial of the toilet (while you're in a BDSM/messy safe environment) for an entire day, forcing them to use their pants (or diaper?) would be more productive. It does keep them thinking about why they are being punished.

Hummm for a start toilet play is one of my limits so if it was used as a punishment it would go way too far. I think also people who aren't into it in general have it as one of their limits, if this is the case useing it as punishment in my opinion is just outright wrong. If someone is into toilet play then wouldn't they kind of enjoy this? Not many people have scat in their "soft limits" list its either yes or no in my experiance.

I just feel this is a pretty odd punishment as it humiliates, degrades and I would think make the sub very upset if this isn't something they are into. However the idea of having to ask to use the toilet and maybe being made to wait a little bit I think is a good idea. Its just the useing their pants part that I personally don't think is. I think this is personal but not sure many subs would take this punishment well and think it would to more harm than good in a lot of cases. Oh and who wants a stinky sub walking round the house? I'd say the Dom was getting a punishment there as well.

the best punishment is just hearing the disappointment in your voice, followed by no punishment at all.

Totally agree with this and this knowing the Dom is disapointed in my behavior is the worst punishment by far. No diaper needed just let me here the tone in his voice change and I'll get the message just fine. :)


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May 25, 2008
I'm sorry, in my theoretical world everyone is okay with everything for the sake of argument, but you're absolutely right. The dom should NEVER cross the limits of the sub, unless asked to try to expand limits, and then it should be done gradually. That's rule one of Safe, Sane, Consensual.



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May 6, 2008
No need to apologise :D Your post just got me to thinking about your example as a punishment is all and was just talking about how that would work with me, nothing personal. As I said you made good points just one that I didn't agree with :)


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Nov 21, 2007
In my house
The only good punishment for me would include non-painful and non-humiliating things... Such as chores.. I truly, honestly hate chores...

Or sometimes he threatens me with using this... numbing stuff that he has(same as dentists)... i SERIOUSLY hate that feeling.. I'd rather die 300 times before experiencing that again >_< so yea..

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