Try this one, it is something I did once, and it does feel good.
Get a flat piece of wood about 2 foot long and about 1 foot wide or similar.
Then get some bricks or heavy items like large books.
then Find a surface that is just the right height to rest your balls on. You will probably need to tie some string around top of balls to keep them in place.
Put the piece of wood on balls, and then gradually place the bricks/books on it.
The closer to your body the more of the weight you will feel.
Add the bricks/books slowly so you really feel the increase in pressure.
For added fun make sure you edge for a while first so almost ready to cum. Then the weight will make you explode nicely. I managed 12KG total weight before i had to remove them
Try and get photo and add it to an album for others to see your balls squashed
In fact I may do it again myself to feel the pressure on my balls.
I have added pictures to my album so you can see what I mean.