The humiliating hospital visit.


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Dec 4, 2017
I was given an appointment to attend a medical check at the local hospital. I had no worries about it and went into the hospital feeling OK and certainly not expecting a sexually thrilling time. What followed might seem like a routine medical exam but the nurse turned it into an embarrassing and humiliating appointment.

As I think back I am sure that the nurse was doing it all deliberately and getting a thrill from it not that I'm complaining. I wish all medical exams were as much fun.

After waiting in the corridor I was called into a room to see the doctor. After a few questions I was asked to go into another room with the nurse. The nurse asked me to take off my jacket and shirt, as I did she took each item of clothing and laid them on a stool across the other side of the room. When I was stripped to the waist, I was told to lay down on the bed face up. The nurse went back into the room where the doctor was and came back saying he wouldn't be long.

Usually from past experience I have found in a situation like this the nurse would cover me with a sheet while waiting but this nurse, a gorgeous looking lady from somewhere I can't remember
just asked my if I was cold ?, I said I was OK and she replied that is fine then and I remained uncovered.

As I lay there the nurse was only about three feet from me and as she engaged me in general chit chat I could tell she was running her eyes over my naked chest and abdomen and I could see that my nipples where hard and erect, well, as erect as they get on a man. It occurred to me that she must have noticed my erect nipples long before me and that was the reason for the “are you cold ?” question.

I guess I must have laid there for about fifteen minutes before the doctor came in and the whole time I felt humiliated and was boarding on enough embarrassment to soon make me blush. The doctor came in and did his thing while the nurse carried on looking me over and then when he was done he asked the nurse to take me to be weighed. This involved leaving the room and crossing the corridor into a curtained off cubical where the scales were. Now I was expecting to be allowed to dress before leaving the room and cross the corridor but I wasn't. I hadn't even got off the bed before the nurse had opened the door and was ushering me out of it and to the left a little ways and then into the weighing cubical.

I could see people fully dressed sitting in the corridor on both sides waiting for their appointments and most of them looked up at me as I was led by the nurse. This ramped up the embarrassment and humiliation level and I felt my face go hot and knew I was blushing.

I stood on the scales and waited for the nurse to slide the bits on the scale up and down. Twice she brushed her arm across my right nipple as she weighed me, then I was then ushered back across the corridor and into the room. I asked if I could dress now and the nurse told me to wait while she checked with the doctor if he had done with me. She returned and told me to dress now and go back into the other room.

I guess some men would have thought nothing of this, after all a man being bare chested is treated differently to a lady being so. So I guess my being shy made me feel differently about it, along with the way I mentally interpreted what happened, the nurse putting my clothes just about as far as way from me as she could, the way I was left uncovered and on display to her, the way she was looking at my naked flesh, the way she put me on display to others in the corridor and then the refusing to let me dress when I wanted. Maybe it was just me but it turned out to be a humiliating experience but also fun and it was the only medical examination I can clearly remember years later.
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Aug 26, 2024
I have suffered more than a few hospital/ clinic embarrassments but perhaps the most humiliating was when I went to my local medical practice for a routine check up. It was with a female junior doctor/ intern. It didnt require me to get naked nd I hadnt objected to being seen by a female when I booked my appointment. However after the usual health checks were done she asked me if I had a prostate check in the last year and I hadnt so she suggested I make an appointment or she could do it then and there. I agreed to get it out of the way and she told me she would leave the room while I removed my boxer shorts and instructed me to lie on my side facing the wall. I followed that instruction and she returned to do the business. For one I have a tiny penis ( particularily when flaccid) for another I have a very small erection as well ( a skinny four inches at best) . From the angle I was laying and from the position she probed my ass even if I had a large softie she wouldnt see it without purposefully leaning forward .
However I was very stimulated when she stuck a finger up my bum and I got an erection ( plus a bit of pre cum) I was a bit worried she would see this so tried to cover up somehow but managed to hit my elbow on the wall and when I reacted to that it was clear that unless she was looking away my entire erect, pre cummed tiny dick was in her line of sight being a complete professional she didnt show any reaction other than her check was done and told me I could get dressed before she came back with her prognosis. My prostate was fine but my utter embarrassment was probably showing a bit. just like my tiny pre cummed penis.
Afterwards when safely at home I was totally aroused by my misfortune. It still makes me feel humiliated but excited at the same time.

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