I know, I know, the title is weird but I'm still not used to this platform and I don't even know if I should post this here or under other discussion thingies but whatever, what I mean by the title is rn I'm talking with someone and he is the nicest person I have ever met, I love him with every way except for the sexual part, I see the sexual relationship being as important as the romantic one in a relationship but he has thought "I am okay if that is not existing" 'till this point so I can tell that I hasn't got his sexual awakening yet, and I will be his first partner too and that is stressing at some point. What I need is some advice? Maybe? Would it be bad if I date him? We talked about this with him and he told me he will learn more about this topic (sexuality and bdsm) to see if we can connect with this sexual thingy, but I still have doubts and I don't know what to do (we're still not dating btw but we're really reaaallyy close)