Before taking items suggested by internet randoms. Safety note here. Use only items that are clean and solid. Nothing that can break off inside. Also if you use something like a hairbrush handle or similar. Be sure there is no sharp plastic seam where it was molded. Run your wet hand or tongue over the item if it’s not smooth it’s not wise to insert.
The next warning is about it being too small to retrieve. Small items like cylinder chapstick, or those round eos chapsticks balls, other ball things like ping pong balls. Short markers etc. these can all get lodged up inside and you’ll likely need a dr to retrieve it. Suction happens and you can not just finger it out. There is a reason all insertable sex toys are either longer or have a lanyard type fixture.
Also before being whisked off to private it’s best to check members prior posts to see if they’re just here hunting play with anything that moves and if they have any actual experience. Ask details and don’t just the vague “I have (number) years experience. See who contributes and who’s just spamming one liners trying to get you away from the general public.